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Nitrate levels

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I have 3 month old 37 gal tank, planted with some java fern, anubias, amazon sword.  Have been doing 20% water change weekly.  Fish are doing well (2 corys, 4 algae eaters Otos, 5 black neon, 2 honey gourami).  Ammonia, nitrite AND nitrate levels have always been zero.  pH 6.4, soft water.  

Plants : java fern producing lots of offshoots (not sure of proper term) at tips of leaves, anubias and swords look ok but not really growing much.

Should I be concerned that nitrate levels are zero?  Do I need for them to be higher? And advice on achieving that.

Thanks, newbie here

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You have a happy Java fern. That said, it’s a water column feeder. It does need some nitrates for fertilizer. It’s using up what you have, which is good. But may need more. Your sword is a root feeder and does need root tabs. 

you have 2 choices. You have room to add fish, or you can fertilize more. Me, I always like to add fish 

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On 2/29/2024 at 10:47 AM, TOtrees said:

Can you expand/clarify? Swords are not root feeders?

Swords are just hogs for nutrients, they don’t care where it comes from. People mistake large root systems for root/ heavy root feeders. The larger root systems are for anchoring mostly. Usually from seasonal flood areas or faster than normal flowing rivers and such.

Here’s a good little blog post 

https://www.2hraquarist.com/blogs/fertilize-planted-tank/root-or-water-dosing?_pos=2&_psq=root feeder&_ss=e&_v=1.0

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Your java fern is definitely not happy. Java fern produces baby plants (shoots from their leaves) when stressed. As for your nitrates I'd have your water tested by a 3rd party to compare the results. You may be using an expired test , if using test strips they are convenient but not the most accurate.

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On 2/29/2024 at 1:31 PM, Tony s said:

i did not know that. i assumed it was normal propagation

Well you are half right; it is propagating but.. It's more of a survival instinct being stimulated. The plant is hating life at the moment and ensuring the survival of the species in case it doesn't survive the situation shes in!

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