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Upgrading light for a 29 gallon planted tank

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I am currently thinking about upgrading the tank lights on my 29 gallon planted tank. The tank has been running with the current lights for as long as I can remember and once had grown a massive forest of java fern. Since taking over the tank from my parents, I trimmed down and removed some of the java fern and introduced some new species of plants. I have a schedule for dosing iron and potassium liquid supplements and Easy Green Fertilizer. I have not changed the lighting and after nearly 3 months, the plants have grown quite well with no die back or any problems with growing.

But I feel like maybe the lights aren't good enough? There is no visible brand on them or any specifications for wattage, lumens, etc. so I am unsure how good it actually is. There are 2, 12 inch lights on the tank, one is dimmer than the other (notice the left side is not as bright) and they look similar to this: https://www.amazon.com/CFPATT-Aquarium-inches-Spectrum-Hidden/dp/B09VDKDFXD

Does the lighting seem good for what I have? If not, and I should upgrade and get a new light, what should I be looking for regarding watts, lumens, and such, and what lights would you recommend? Thanks!

This is how it looks when there is no daylight entering the room, so all the lighting is from the tank lights. I'm a little embarrassed by how the tank looks right now, so don't make fun lol.


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For just Java fern you do not want to go much brighter.  In tanks I grow only crypts, Java fern and anubias I turn my lights on only the second lowest setting. Much more and I get algae.  

Your sword may benefit from additional lighting or it may start having problems.  The more light available to faster growing plants the more nutrients it needs.  My swords grow painfully slow because I do not use root tabs or fertilizer.  If I turn my lights in those tanks up the swords start struggling from nutrient deficiency.  

To answer this question I would have to ask how much farther are you intending to go?  Wanting to do plants that require more light or nutrients then yes an upgrade.  Happy with your current plants? Then I probably would not make the investment other than for the convenience of having only one light and aesthetic of even lighting. 

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On 2/28/2024 at 5:53 AM, Guppysnail said:

For just Java fern you do not want to go much brighter.  In tanks I grow only crypts, Java fern and anubias I turn my lights on only the second lowest setting. Much more and I get algae.  

I actually only grow those 3 types of plants as well, with the exception of the single amazon sword. I also only have the lights on for ~8-10 hours a day and I have not had any problems with algae or plant growth with that many hours.

On 2/28/2024 at 5:53 AM, Guppysnail said:

To answer this question I would have to ask how much farther are you intending to go?  Wanting to do plants that require more light or nutrients then yes an upgrade.  Happy with your current plants? Then I probably would not make the investment other than for the convenience of having only one light and aesthetic of even lighting. 

I am happy with my current plants and I'm not really interested in many of the high light species anyway. I like crypts, anubias, java fern, etc. and will probably continue to stick with those species. I guess my biggest issue is that I don't really like how uneven the lighting is, with the left side being a different light and it being dimmer. I should also say, I didn't necessarily mean an upgrade but maybe just a replacement light that is good for the plants I'm trying to grow. I may just be better off switching the current lights with one that is better overall, but not necessarily an upgrade, if you know what I mean.

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I bought one of these Hygger lights, which gives you the ability to alter the color rendering to your particular preferences as opposed to the lower cost version that simply adjusts brightness and alters between a daylight and moonlight setting.


due to my particular schedule I run 2 distinct photoperiods of 4 hours each  1 in the morning and 1 at night and this light doesnt allow me to program it to my preference.


If you wanted to stretch your budget a bit, you might consider a Finnex Planted Plus HLC at around 80.00.  This gives you Red Green Blue control and separate whites.  Yes, the hygger gives 6 colors, but I am pretty sure it does it by blending colors..  The human eye only has color receptors for red green and blue light.  When we see different colors it is the brain interpreting the relative intensities of the different RGB light receptor input…. Light and colors are funky that way….  But if you do opt for the Finnex I would caution against using the internal timer as it ramps shift of colors and intensities over a 3 hour time period.  I bought inline timer dimmers from Nicrew for $12.00 to adjust my Finnex lights.



The Hygger is a reasonable contender for your budget and will provide more light than you need for the plants you are looking to grow.

Edited by Pepere
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@Pepere Thanks for all the info! I'll have to consider my options. The Finnex is very tempting but the price may be more than what I'm willing to pay at the moment. I'll keep it in mind if I ever get a new tank that I want to spend a little more on. For now, I may go with a Hygger light.

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@Pepere @Guppysnail Now I can't decide between these two Hygger lights:


Amazon.com : hygger 25W Full Spectrum Aquarium Light with Aluminum Alloy Shell Extendable Brackets, White Blue Red LEDs, External Controller, for Freshwater Fish Tank (36-46 inch) : Pet Supplies

Obviously, one is cheaper than the other, but I am more focused on which one has better features than the other. Which of these two should I get if I want to have better control of the light schedule? And which one do you think is better overall and would be great for my planted tank with java ferns, crypts, anubias, and other low-light plants?

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The more expensive light has more options including the ability to dial in the light rendering you want as opposed to set chocies.


Also I note that on both lights you specified the 24-30 inch version which is cheaper than the 30-36. That option may work well for you, but the light at either end of the tank will be dimmer. As such you would want higher light need plants more to the middle of your tank and lower light plants on the ends.


also that bears in to play if you place your light to the back of the tank, put higher light plants to the back and lower light plants to the front and sides….


I suspect @Guppysnail will be able to speak better to the timer function.  I have one,  ut have not used it much as I went a different route due to my split photoperiod…

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You want the 30-30 inch definitely.  I only ever use mine full power when I’m cleaning. So for the plants you have the fancier one just isn’t needed. Crypts grow fine at the bottom of my 29 with the less expensive version. Timer is simple.  You turn it on and set it 6-8-12 hours with one button. That sets a 24 hour time. It will come on the next day at the time you turned it on and off at the desired time span. It’s a set and forget type light which I adore the ease and how well it grows plants. 

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