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How many kuhli loaches for 8 gallons?


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So I saved one guy, and he used to live his whole life with 400 guppies in a 300l tank. I want to help him feel more comfortable. I've got an 8g cube, there's not many hiding spots just yet but I'm working towards a bit of a rescape. I know he'll feel more comfortable once I've got some plants and more hardscape going, but I've also read up he'd do better with some buddies? How many should I get for him? I was thinking one or two new friends, but I'm worried I might overdo it and as I'm planning on getting some shrimp and tetras in the future I don't want to overstock the tank. What do you guys think? One more loach? Two? The tank is 30x30x35 cm

Bonus photos of my little guy



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Well to be blunt 0; the tank doesnt' really offer enough swimming room for kuhli. You could try pangio shelfordii; these are sort of like mini kuhli and they would do better in an 8 than kuhli but ... sometimes larger is better and in this case a larger aquarium....

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I have 5 in a 10 gallon aquarium and sometimes it’s like the “Globe of Death”, giant steel ball with motorcycles going super fast around and around and you’re on the edge of your seat…but normally they seem healthy and fine whenever I see them.  Make sure to provide lots of hiding spots!!!

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Yes, 8g is small, esp as a cube. yes a bigger tank would be better. But if this tank is your only option, and re-homing the kuhli doesn't work for you, then I think adding a few is better than not. I really like kuhlis as clean up crew, even if I hardly ever see them. I find they are pretty gentle on your bioload too. For an 8g, I'd aim for 4-6. They love the small stacked tubes that are sold as shrimp hides. Also rock piles and potted plants (plants in gravel in small pots, placed on the substrate - they get in the pot around the plant stems, and under the pots in the substrate). 

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tw - fish death

Well, unfortunately, this topic is no longer relevant, as yesterday when I was doing water tests I kept the aquarium cover open for a bit too long and didn't notice the loach jump out. Found it today all dried up and stuck to the carpet. This is my first fish death, so I'm still quite shaken by it. I'd like to think I gave him a good little life, but who knows really. Ehh, such is life.

I suppose that settles the issue of kuhlis in a small tank, though. I'm gonna be looking into something smaller for cleanup crew then. I'm open to suggestions (snails are out of the question)

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