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What else can I have with these fish?

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Here it my setup, which I posted to the forum a while back.

As you can see, they cohabitate well with tetra species. Although every now and then the tetras have been known to get a bit 'dorsal nippy'.

They should be AOk with white clouds, but your mileage may vary.


Edited by tolstoy21
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For white clouds, the thing is to find other cold water fish. Something like celestial pearl danios , zebra danios, male guppies , male endlers, maybe even a hill stream loach. I am assuming you don’t have a heater in the tank. Your white clouds like it cold. So do these others. They even make different forms of white clouds like the gold white clouds. 

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The other thing to think about, 6 white clouds are close to capacity for a 10 gallon. Not that you couldn’t overstock a bit, but would require slightly more water changes. And careful watching parameters. Maybe just a few male endlers or fancy guppies (guppies can be harder to get started)You could also do a gold mystery snail. 




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Sawbwa Resplendens (a.k.a Rummy-nose Rasbora, Sawbwa Barb. etc.) are a fantastic, hardy nano fish that does well, and actually prefers, water temps down into the low 70's (they are fine up to 78F) and tolerate a wide range of water parameters.  Ph 6.0 - 8.0, Gh from something like 3 - 20+.

I keep and breed them at 9 dGh / 6.5 Ph, and hatch and raise the fry in 22-25 dGh. 

Super great, small, peaceful and awesome looking fish



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On 2/17/2024 at 11:13 AM, Tony s said:

I’m honestly impressed. I didn’t think females were that available. 

They are in my fish room! I probably have 50-75 females right now.  😉

When I first bought these a while back, I got them online and they were only being sold in pairs.

You probably don't see females as often because they are solid grey and nowhere near as attractive as the males. I'm guessing sellers have a harder time moving the females. I'm not sure if exporters/importers offer females or not.

However, I have found that the males are much more vibrant and active when you have roughly an equal number of females with them. These fish are daily breeders, so they are always chasing the females, and rival males, in and out of plants and what not, but never to the extent that they stress or harm their schoolmates or tankmates.

Edited by tolstoy21
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On 2/17/2024 at 10:29 AM, Tony s said:

For white clouds, the thing is to find other cold water fish. Something like celestial pearl danios , zebra danios, male guppies , male endlers, maybe even a hill stream loach. I am assuming you don’t have a heater in the tank. Your white clouds like it cold. So do these others. They even make different forms of white clouds like the gold white clouds. 

I actually do have a heater, it keeps the temp stable and is set at 73 degrees

On 2/17/2024 at 10:15 AM, tolstoy21 said:

Personally, I'd stock it with a Mako Shark or two. You can occasionally find them in the Buy/Sell/Trade section of this forum. 

I think some crazy person even gave one away last year!  🤪 😉


Thanks a lot for all this @tolstoy21 and @Tony s!! So helpful!

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