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Guppy Flashing Normal?


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So I have a 29g with 8 small ember tetras/ 6 male guppies and some corys. I noticed today 2 different guppies were "flashing" (I had never seen such behavior and had to look it up) but they were flicking themselves on the sand.

Water parameters are fine, 0 ammonia/0 nitrite/30-40 nitrate (I did a water change after just in case). Looked around and saw no signs of ich (No spots).

It was odd to me that 2 different guppies did it, both near a decoration. Is this sometimes normal?

Both guppies are fat and seem normal otherwise?

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Guppies can flash if your pH KH or GH are to low if there's ammonia in the water or chlorine if you don't use a dechlorinator  through a parasitic infection such as ich or flukes most fish will occasionally flash once in a while it's if it's happening multiple times a day it's more likely to be caused by one of the above causes if it's once every couple of days less likely to be a parasitic infection @Mercfh

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On 2/9/2024 at 11:59 PM, Colu said:

Guppies can flash if your pH KH or GH are to low if there's ammonia in the water or chlorine if you don't use a dechlorinator  through a parasitic infection such as ich or flukes most fish will occasionally flash once in a while it's if it's happening multiple times a day it's more likely to be caused by one of the above causes if it's once every couple of days less likely to be a parasitic infection @Mercfh

gh is 10, kh is 5. FWIW i had 3 guppies prior and added 3-4 and the others didn't do this. So far i've only seen it 1-2 times today. from 2 diff ones. I guess ill just keep an eye on them for now. It is odd the 2 flashed in the same place (in front of a castle decor) maybe they are marking their territory or something. Since the recent 3-4 we added are all males. (Only male guppies in the tank)

Edited by Mercfh
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