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Is something wrong with my Java fern?

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On 2/4/2024 at 1:45 PM, Creedmoor Aquatics said:

Are you referring to it making 'fingers' instead of normal pointed leaf shapes? If yes, that is common to certain varieties of Java Fern, such as Java Fern 'Windelov'. 

If not, could you maybe explain why you're concerned? 

It is kinda brown and black in some spots. @Creedmoor Aquatics

On 2/4/2024 at 2:00 PM, Mmiller2001 said:

Need to detach it and open up the rhizome or it’s going to get damaged.

I couldn’t find the rhizome @Mmiller2001. So is this something I should take action quickly? Help please @Mmiller2001

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Ah. So all that white stuff, that's the glue? That's a lot of glue. 

I'd recommend using removing the rock and fern from the tank, and using acetone to remove the glue. Then thoroughly wash the rock and fern, then try again.
The Aquarium Co-Op has a guide for using super glue in the aquarium here:


Also a video from Cory here:


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On 2/4/2024 at 4:47 PM, Creedmoor Aquatics said:

Ah. So all that white stuff, that's the glue? That's a lot of glue. 

I'd recommend using removing the rock and fern from the tank, and using acetone to remove the glue. Then thoroughly wash the rock and fern, then try again.
The Aquarium Co-Op has a guide for using super glue in the aquarium here:


Also a video from Cory here:


Oh……….I didn’t do that……..I threw it out….

😥 I think there was NO Way to get ALL THAT GLUE OFF. Sorry….I am new to plants and trust me that glue was waaaaayyyy to much. I messed up and I learn from my mistakes…😢. To late unlesss I could take it out the trash can 🗑 and retry but now to late I think.

@Creedmoor Aquatics I am sorry. Should’ve not done that.

@Creedmoor Aquatics it was for the best. Didn’t put on the right rock. I will restart

@Mmiller2001 I guess I did the right thing. Didn’t want to fool with it.

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On 2/4/2024 at 4:47 PM, Creedmoor Aquatics said:



Already watched that btw! 🙂

It has beeen 20 mins….it is prob almost dead now @Creedmoor Aquatics

It wasn’t going to live…trust me.

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On 2/4/2024 at 9:26 PM, Creedmoor Aquatics said:

Okay BigDog. Better luck next time.

One other thing you might have done would be to let the plant die (maybe in a small tank/plastic tub), and see if it tried creating any babies from its leaf tips before it did.

I only say that now as something to think about if you ever have a dying Java fern on your hands again. 

Yes u learn from your mistakes @Creedmoor Aquatics. Thanks for advice and better luck next time for sure. Yes thought about letting it die but…thanks anywho


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