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sick angel fish


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I have a adult angel fish that has been laying on its side for several days. I have isolated it and been using micro lift anti bacterial plus their anti parasite remedies plus Tetra Medicine it will swim when disturbed but eventually just return to the bottom of the tank. I have also tried the Epsom salt remedy for it in a five gallon bucket. It is still hanging in there but I am out of options as to what is needed or what I can try next. It is now in a 20 gallon tank alone with filter and air stones

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Welcome to the forum.

I am not good with diseases, but I had a similar issue last year.  Based on the suggestions that I got, I floated the fish in a kitchen colander with an air stone, and some aquarium salt.  The thought being that additional oxygen and shallower water would make it easier on the fish. The angel could not swim so a few blood worms added to the setup helped determine if the fish was eating.  It was not the ultimate cure, but the fish did recover and live long enough to breed. 

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Thanks for the info I tried it in a small bucket with a heater and an airstone and now it is in a 20 gallon alone it was in the bucket for a few days so it has been similar experience so far

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Sorry to hear about your fish. I have 6 angels at home now. Haven’t had to deal with this yet, but here’s my best advice.

Okay, number one, make sure he has pristine water while fighting this, 0 ammonia, 0 nitrite, low nitrates. Just make sure he’s not fighting his water quality and his disease. Keep him warm and comfortable. Temp around 78. Floating in colander or breeding box with air stone is an excellent idea. You really have 2 options. Try fasting for  three days. then feeding small amounts of easily digestible food, small amounts of frozen peas if available. Helps to clear out his system and hopefully eliminate what’s bothering his swim bladder. Or option 2, as he may have a bacterial infection, feeding  the pea mush mixed with antibiotics Something like kanaplex or Maracyn 2. That way it goes directly into his system. These meds are available on line or local fish store. Not the big box stores. There are kanaplex feeding directions online. 1 part kanaplex to 1 tablespoon food paste. Or if he won’t eat you can use the in water dosage. Swim bladder is not easily treated and success rates are kind of iffy. So good luck 

Edited by Tony s
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