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Ich x and aquarium salt


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Currently treating one of my tanks for ich. I was finally able to get ich x this weekend and did my first dose this morning. I dosed 10ml for the 20 long and fish seem fine. I did notice one of my rosy loach has a small area that kinda looks like it has fungus on it.

I have dosed salt before at 1tbsp per 5g on my 40 breeder and the plants really took a hit but they were able to bounce back. 

I did dose 3 teaspoons of aquarium salt for the 20 long because my plants are still trying to adjust after my rescape, the weekend before this last one. Most of them haven’t rooted so I’m not sure how well they will take salt when they were just planted over a week ago. 

Did I put too little salt? Or should I add one more teaspoon? 

Should I dose ich x tomorrow or wait 48 hours? 

Cant take a photo of the rosy loach but it looks like she has a super duper small cotton ball on the dorsal fin. 

Temp at 78. I don’t wanna raise it because of the panda cory and I’m trying to see if I can treat ich while keeping the tank at this temp 

Ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, ph (0, 0, 10, 7)

Edited by knee
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I think we in general underdose salt. I think to seriously attack diseases takes 3 tablespoons per gallon. Any less is a therapeutic dose rather than medicinal. That said, that much salt will kill your loach faster than the fungus so stick to ich x. Save the hardcore salt doses for cichlids and livebearer.

Edited by Scapexghost
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On 1/29/2024 at 9:31 PM, Scapexghost said:

I think we in general underdose salt. I think to seriously attack diseases takes 3 tablespoons per gallon. Any less is a therapeutic dose rather than medicinal. That said, that much salt will kill your loach faster than the fungus so stick to ich x. Save the hardcore salt doses for cichlids and livebearer.

I already dosed the 3 teaspoons tho. Should I do a quick water change or just let it be? 

If I stick to ich-x for the fungus what should my dosing schedule be? 

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On 1/29/2024 at 11:36 PM, knee said:

I already dosed the 3 teaspoons tho. Should I do a quick water change or just let it be? 

If I stick to ich-x for the fungus what should my dosing schedule be? 

Just follow the directions on the bottle, youll change the water anyway.

I said tablespoon, so thrice your dose. 3 teaspoons is fine for all but the most sensitive fish (theres like 2 species, anchor cats and another)

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On 1/29/2024 at 9:39 PM, Scapexghost said:

3 teaspoons is fine for all but the most sensitive fish (theres like 2 species, anchor cats and another)

Alright then I’ll let the ich-x work for now since I just dosed this morning. Bottle did say that I have to do a water change every time I add ich-x so that will be happening tomorrow after work. I’ll keep observing and update this thread if there’s anything urgent. Thank you for responding so quickly ☺️👍🏻

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On 1/29/2024 at 9:36 PM, knee said:

I already dosed the 3 teaspoons tho. Should I do a quick water change or just let it be? 

If I stick to ich-x for the fungus what should my dosing schedule be? 

The pandas have been pretty high in temp before, I'll say 79 is about as high as I took them when I had to treat for ich.

The way I handle things with salt is about one dose and then water changes to lower the dose over time.  Others recommend replenishing that salt in the tank, but I think the dose is high enough to do what we need it to and I don't really want to or have the amount of salt on hand to go through it over and over.

Let's say this is a 1-2 week treatment.
Day 1:  big water change, siphon everything, sanitize WC equipment, and clean filtration.  At this point, you consider removing sensitive plants for QT for ~30 days.  Dose in salt, 1 tbsp per 2 gallons of water.  Dose in Ich-X.
Day 2: wait, monitor, I assume the tank is still blue.  If the fish start to drop the cysts and they look generally clean then I consider a re-dose.
Day 3: Dose in more Ich-X, 30% water change. siphon, clean WC equipment and filtration again.
Day 4: repeat monitor things
Day 5: Dose in more Ich-X, 30% water change. siphon, clean WC equipment and filtration again.
Day 6: repeat monitor things
Day 7: rest.  (even if I dosed ich-x 3x in the week, I try to give them a break here)

Day 1, week 2:  50-80% water change to remove more salt. Dose in ich-X + Salt again
(repeat rest of the week)

For a severe infection, you'd be looking at daily treatments, for something less severe you could spread out the doses.

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On 1/29/2024 at 11:00 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

Let's say this is a 1-2 week treatment.
Day 1:  big water change, siphon everything, sanitize WC equipment, and clean filtration.  At this point, you consider removing sensitive plants for QT for ~30 days.  Dose in salt, 1 tbsp per 2 gallons of water.  Dose in Ich-X.
Day 2: wait, monitor, I assume the tank is still blue.  If the fish start to drop the cysts and they look generally clean then I consider a re-dose.
Day 3: Dose in more Ich-X, 30% water change. siphon, clean WC equipment and filtration again.
Day 4: repeat monitor things
Day 5: Dose in more Ich-X, 30% water change. siphon, clean WC equipment and filtration again.
Day 6: repeat monitor things
Day 7: rest.  (even if I dosed ich-x 3x in the week, I try to give them a break here)

So today is day 2 but I won’t get to observe them until I get home from work later around 6pm. If I see that there are no cysts I’ll do a 30% water change and then do another dose. Does that mean I’ll skip the dosing on day 3? 

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On 1/30/2024 at 7:47 AM, knee said:

So today is day 2 but I won’t get to observe them until I get home from work later around 6pm. If I see that there are no cysts I’ll do a 30% water change and then do another dose. Does that mean I’ll skip the dosing on day 3? 

Once you see cysts start to drop off that's when you're most vigilant, so daily dose is best. If the white spots pop back up, then you're in for a treatment until they fall off again and hatch.

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