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Snails on parade


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PXL_20240128_173440871.jpg.2957193d537d16a93fbde34a36937f11.jpgI don't really think it's important, but why do my pest snails flee my waterline. Sometimes there's none, sometimes there's like 30 (not all by any means).  Is it normal? 

The fish are happy. The amano are happy. The plants are thriving.  It's an aquaclear 50 and a sponge for redundancy. Ph is about 7. Ammonia 0, nitrite 0, nitrate about 20. Hard water.  No CO2. 

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There are some dead leaves and small amounts of green algae on the sides. Kind of impossible to figure out biofilm but I presume there is food. That said, I have a fat otocinclus,2 mystery snails and 10 amano. They did strip most of the green algae.


Also, they aren't trying to leave the tank. It's like they sleep there

Edited by Lonkley
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