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Catching out Mystery Snail

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In my 20gallon community tank i have a large hydra population that is growing quickly. While this is not a problem now, i want to take care of it before they reproduce to such amounts it is a problem, or to avoid spreading it to my shrimp tanks.

My fish are not interested in eating the hydra so my best option is NoPlanaria which i have observed to kill hydra. However, in my tank i have a large mystery snail.

My issue is moving the mystery snail to a new tank without hurting the snail. When he goes up the wall he is significantly attached, and i feel that if i tried to pull him off he would get hurt. Does anyone have any good methods for transporting mystery snails? I was thinking putting some food on a dish then moving that dish, but i'm open to ideas

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magnetic glass cleaners work well. The sideways knocks them off. then just reach in and grab. He'll be fine.

Need any more? I accidently had 1 clutch. I've already given 30 away, got 30 more in my angelfish tank. 😁

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