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How many White cloud minnows for 10 gallon with shrimp?

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I am cycling the 10 gal currently and wondering how many of the wcmm I could get an and how many shrimp with them? The tank is not planted but will have a decent amount of hides soon when I go to petsmart. The tank is setup and temp is 78 degrees but I will cool it down before I get the minnows and that temp is good for cycling too….So how many? Dont want to overcrowd the tank but I want more than 1 fish obviously.

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Unless the tank is already well set up, the shrimp will need forage to nibble on. Read up on caring for them. @Shadow has experience keeping shrimp, and may chime in here. In my view, a group of 10x could do. But they will need the right things to eat. 

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On 1/19/2024 at 8:30 PM, Fish Folk said:

Unless the tank is already well set up, the shrimp will need forage to nibble on. Read up on caring for them. @Shadow has experience keeping shrimp, and may chime in here. In my view, a group of 10x could do. But they will need the right things to eat. 

What do they eat?

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On 1/20/2024 at 8:49 AM, Bigdog99 said:

What do they eat?

Here is a nice write-up from ACO on feeding Neocaridina.

They are omnivores. Honestly, if your tank is well-established with loads of algae, you really do not need to worry about feeding too much. They'll clean up some extra uneaten fish foods.

As a rule of thumb, fish and shrimp do not make great tank mates. Tiny baby Neos are "fish food" for most substrate pickers. Now, WCMMs might be a fairly safe bet. Hard to say for sure.


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On 1/20/2024 at 9:18 AM, Fish Folk said:

Here is a nice write-up from ACO on feeding Neocaridina.

They are omnivores. Honestly, if your tank is well-established with loads of algae, you really do not need to worry about feeding too much. They'll clean up some extra uneaten fish foods.

As a rule of thumb, fish and shrimp do not make great tank mates. Tiny baby Neos are "fish food" for most substrate pickers. Now, WCMMs might be a fairly safe bet. Hard to say for sure.


Ok. So I guess I will wait a couple of months to add the cherry shrimp or any other shrimp to the aquarium.

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You don't really need a couple months to wait. If you click on my journal below, it will give you some guidance. I also have a full tank set up how to HEREIMO, its pretty easy to get them going with fish. My advice, purchase(I find them easy through Etsy, DM me and I can tell you some places) rocks with already thriving Java or Xmas Moss. Once they get going and growing, they provide tons of coverage for your shrimp(shrimplets more especially later on once they are dropping babies) and it also is a nice catch for leftover food from your WCMs which they will feed on. I have two tanks like this...one nano tank and another with pencilfish/gouramis. They are thriving in both. Will drop a couple pics so you can see what they do once they are fully mature. One has been growing for almost a year now, the other about 4 months or so. Both started very small and grew like wildfire. Hope this helps! 



Pardon the algae on the glass, today is tank cleaning day lol. 

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