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At long last… my problem Pink Flamingo crypt is starting to thrive

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The biggest thing I think was moving the tiger lotus away from the pink flamingo crypt….    Whether it was root structure competing for nutrients or allelopathy I dont know.  I had a mesh bag of aquasoil near it all along.


It took a few months after doing so to see the crypt start gaining mass… and eventually it seems to get to a tipping point of growth…


Lighting, water changes, and water column fertilization has been stable for about 6 months.


for months and months before moving the tiger lotus, the crypt would put out a new leaf and an old leaf would melt away at about the same rate.  It was just running in place….

Edited by Pepere
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This is the whole tank to see it in context.




my hope is for it to mostly fill in the space between the rock and the tiger lotus and double in height from where it is now and in the same time period have the Rotala wallichii stand in the bavk grow out in height and be able to widen and deepen that patch, and the Ludwigia Repens mature and fill out. The Ludwigia has a lot of small short stems behind the Tiger Lotus mostly out of sight.


This week I also added some S.Repens under the Tiger Lotus in bare area coming around the rock towards the front, and I added some AR mini last night on the right side just in front of some AR, and some all the way to the left.  Hoping these develop into a thick dense mat around 1.5 to 2 inches tall.   My thought was that on the right it would transition nicely from a different AR kept around 4 inches tall.  Time will tell…

Edited by Pepere
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On 1/19/2024 at 7:53 AM, Pepere said:

This is the whole tank to see it in context.




my hope is for it to mostly fill in the space between the rock and the tiger lotus and double in height from where it is now and in the same time period have the Rotala wallichii stand in the bavk grow out in height and be able to widen and deepen that patch, and the Ludwigia Repens mature and fill out. The Ludwigia has a lot of small short stems behind the Tiger Lotus mostly out of sight.


This week I also added some S.Repens under the Tiger Lotus in bare area coming around the rock towards the front, and I added some AR mini last night on the right side just in front of some AR, and some all the way to the left.  Hoping these develop into a thick dense mat around 1.5 to 2 inches tall.   My thought was that on the right it would transition nicely from a different AR kept around 4 inches tall.  Time will tell…

Looking forward to seeing how the Mini grows. I recently got a Petco tissue culture of AR Mini that did not turn out so well...... I blame something other than myself for that failure!! 🤣

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On 1/19/2024 at 8:12 AM, Pepere said:

AR does seem to like to have aquasoil by its roots from what I have read.

I bought TC AR mini atmy local Petco too last night.  The plants seemed to be healthy stock.

I'm surprised by the health of the petco culture(s). My problem is I'm generally not a fan of TCs, or emersed grown plants. I'd just rather buy submerged growth online, plant em,  fertalize once a day and pat myself on the back for a job well done! 

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