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Fish Room Dechlorination

aleksei king

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I was just curious to what like in line dechlorinators such as carbon filters that people use to dechlorinate water in their fishrooms for auto water changes. Would it just be something like this https://www.springwellwater.com/product/water-filters/whole-house-water-filters/?attribute_number-of-bathrooms=1-3 Bathrooms&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiAvoqsBhB9EiwA9XTWGXjCtq6yf_J9wVWtljLZskfayZYzvAPigy8me9rxHYQ5TEhVJ_KqRRoCjQoQAvD_BwE   Been curious for auto fill lines if you don't wanna like have a huge tote you just dechlorinate yourself. 

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I've been thinking about this as well.  After hammering my discus with chloramine for a bit again last night when I forgot to use Prime.  And I always age my water 24 hours.

Disclaimer, I'm just watching this video so maybe he talks about this.  I've not checked to see if the carbon block on my RO Buddie gets rid of chloramine or not.


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