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Redfin Flagtail Prochilodus

Ericka Ketchum

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I currently have rosy barbs, congo tetras, a peacock eel, kuhli loaches, peppered corys, 3 otocinclus, a vampire shrimp, a bamboo shrimp, ramshorn snails, a nerite snail and a mystery snail with java and weeping moss, crypts, anubias and water lettuce.

I will be upgrading to a 90 or 125 gallon in a few months and need to know if a flagtail will live peacefully with this group. I have been doing research on this fish, but can't seem to get a straight answer since some of these fish stay smaller.

Thanks for any help.

Edited by Ericka Ketchum
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On 12/17/2023 at 9:03 PM, Ericka Ketchum said:

The ramshorns I dont care, but the shrimp get 3 to 6 inches... they will eat that big of a shrimp?

My experience with big fish  if it will fit in there mouth they will eat it  if your shrimp are 6in I would say that's less likely 

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On 12/17/2023 at 9:10 PM, Ericka Ketchum said:

Thanks Colu! I can always move the shrimp to a different tank if needed. But you think the fish would be safe?

The khuli loach might possible end up a snack depending of mouth size when the prochilodus get bigger

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I wouldn’t attempt it. Larger characins may be peaceful in a large fish community but they are absolute terrors when they are the biggest fish in the tank. 

If you are looking for a large peaceful fish that doesn’t need a school I would steer you towards geophagus. Despite their size they are incredibly docile. Only getting mildly aggressive about their nest. But with smaller fish they probably won’t be phased. 

geos will move the substrate around though.

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On 12/18/2023 at 7:15 AM, Biotope Biologist said:

I wouldn’t attempt it. Larger characins may be peaceful in a large fish community but they are absolute terrors when they are the biggest fish in the tank. 

If you are looking for a large peaceful fish that doesn’t need a school I would steer you towards geophagus. Despite their size they are incredibly docile. Only getting mildly aggressive about their nest. But with smaller fish they probably won’t be phased. 

geos will move the substrate around though.

Good to know! Thank you so much for the new suggestion. I will look into it.

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