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Betta question

Hally M.

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I would say 84 wont kill the betta, but it's definitely warmer than I would keep a betta fish. Some claim that bettas kept above 80ºF may age more rapidly, and therefore die younger, because the higher temperature increases their metabolism. What type of heater is it? Some heaters are pre-set at 78ºF, in this case maybe you could return it and get a refund or replacement because the heater may be faulty. Other heaters need to be calibrated before use (like the ones I use: Eheim Jager TruTemp Submersible Heater). If you have the type of heater that needs to be calibrated, here is a video explaining how to do that: 


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@Hally M. Hey! I am an ex-betta keeper and researched a ton about them, as mentioned above by @andieb, it won't kill them but definitely will affect their life quality, I'd say keep it in a comfortable 72-78º (Around the same optimal temp for things like shrimp). I'd say to turn down the heat if its an option or justbuy a new calibrated one (like again, mentioned above). Hope this helps!

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It's probably fine. But make sure your heater works properly and you set it up correctly if it needs to be set up. A bit lower than that can be nicer I believe. Also you mention 84 is the lowest you see. That can be a lil worrying. 

The ranges you mention are considerably low  to too low for a betta @Kaiju Idk what sort of a research suggests 72F

Please see this from an aquatic vet perspective



Edited by Lennie
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@Lennie double-checked Thanks for the correction. From all the research I've seen. @Hally M. Should be 75-80. Anything above 81 will be too hot and anything under 74 will be too cold. Again, correct me if I'm wrong and thank you again, @Lennie for the video and correction. 

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On 11/19/2023 at 7:54 PM, Hally M. said:

Good news, I went to the store to return it and the clerk person told me  it had a separate part that you needed to buy to control the temp, without it it just goes to the highest setting 🤦‍♀️


thanks for your help everyone!!

How strange! Glad you found out how to fix it though.

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