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Shrimp breeding project. (Advice Needed)


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Hey everybody! I'm doing a shrimp breeding project soon, and I know they need specific parameters. To anyone that can help please tell me the exact temperatures, feeding, Ph and other requirements, things that can help the process of breeding, and protecting shrimplets from fish. Also, if you live in Texas, do you know any places near the Austin area that takes animals from breeders? I do not have the materials on me, I'm still in the phase of taking measurements and looking at supplies. I should get this done before maybe February if all goes well. 

(you probably will see me post a lot more about this because its my first breeder project!)




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On 11/16/2023 at 3:45 PM, Kaiju said:

Hey everybody! I'm doing a shrimp breeding project soon, and I know they need specific parameters. To anyone that can help please tell me the exact temperatures, feeding, Ph and other requirements, things that can help the process of breeding, and protecting shrimplets from fish. Also, if you live in Texas, do you know any places near the Austin area that takes animals from breeders?  

(you probably will see me post a lot more about this because its my first breeder project!)




Awesome! I love keeping shrimp.

What kind of shrimp were you thinking of? Caridina? Neocaridina? 

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Neocaridina are pretty forgiving of water params. I keep my orange rili in the following params: 6.6 Ph, 0 Kh, 9 Gh, 350 TDS, 76F.

I would suggest keeping them with a tad more Kh than I do, and Ph closer to neutral. But like I said, they are very adaptable and forgiving.

Fish can be problematic to keep with shrimp. What kind of fish are you thinking?

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On 11/16/2023 at 6:45 PM, tolstoy21 said:

6.6 Ph, 0 Kh, 9 Gh, 350 TDS, 76F.

For reference.... mine are at:


Water Parameters:
Temperature: 73-74 degrees
TDS: 159
PH: 6.7-7.0
KH: 4 dH (71.4 ppm)
GH: 9 degrees (160.7 ppm)
Ammonia: 0 ppm
Nitrite: 0 ppm
Nitrate: 10 ppm

On 11/16/2023 at 6:41 PM, Kaiju said:

@tolstoy21 Neocardinia, Orange rili and Sakuras to be exact. By the way this tank is going to be SCAPED not like typical breeding tanks that are empty with one or two plants.

I would make sure you have some wood in there as well.

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@nabokovfan87 @tolstoy21

I'm planning different on using spiderwoods, and I want to try to keep Yohiki Ricefish (A type of nanofish) just for activity on all levels.

its a topless 9.1 long. So I was thinking of sloping sand against one side to look like a beach shore and adding spider wood to look like mangrove roots and giving shrimp a tiny little haven away from the ricefish. I was worried although of them eating the shrimplets.

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On 11/16/2023 at 7:14 PM, Kaiju said:

I'm planning different on using spiderwoods, and I want to try to keep Yohiki Ricefish (A type of nanofish) just for activity on all levels.

I was considering some medaka for my tank, I don't think they will be safe long term in a new colony and in my experience those types of fish (guppy and swordtails behavior) will go after baby shrimp pretty ferociously if they want.

Something like white clouds or very small nano fish might be ok, I just recommend caution with the rice fish or to specifically make sure the shrimp are 100+ in colony size before you do that.

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@nabokovfan87 Thanks! I think with enough hiding places, the colony will survive, or maybe I'll scrap the ricefish idea but keep some other kind or shrimplet-friendly fish. I researched nano-fish shrimp compatibility and they said their priority isn't attacking shrimp. I don't think they often swim to the bottom anyways as they are top level dwellers from what I've seen. If you want to contradict and give your opinion it's greatly appreciated.

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On 11/17/2023 at 6:37 AM, Kaiju said:

I don't think they often swim to the bottom anyways as they are top level dwellers from what I've seen. If you want to contradict and give your opinion it's greatly appreciated.

I definitely don't want to! 😂

When they sleep, I think they rest on the bottom, keep one eye open and then get booped and go "oh look, snack".

It all depends and with time they might realize it isn't a food source because it moves and takes too much work.

Simply put, give the shrimp some time before you add fish. A few months is best.

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@nabokovfan87 I probably will do that. Thanks for all of the awesome advice. I will take this advice and wait one or two months before addition of the Yohiki Ricefish. 

Hopefully with everybody's advice this can take off into a profitable project. 


On 11/17/2023 at 11:18 AM, nabokovfan87 said:

When they sleep, I think they rest on the bottom, keep one eye open and then get booped and go "oh look, snack".

It all depends and with time they might realize it isn't a food source because it moves and takes too much work.

Simply put, give the shrimp some time before you add fish. A few months is best.


You seem to know a lot about breeding shrimp and other fish keeping stuff. I also have a bit more to ask (sorry for the question bombardment), how can I feed the shrimp and what are your recommendations or tips breeding them (Ex: foods, plants, substrate, any specifics like params, any way to tell sexes, etc). 

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On 11/17/2023 at 10:04 AM, Kaiju said:

You seem to know a lot about breeding shrimp and other fish keeping stuff. I also have a bit more to ask (sorry for the question bombardment), how can I feed the shrimp and what are your recommendations or tips breeding them (Ex: foods, plants, substrate, any specifics like params, any way to tell sexes, etc). 

I made a thread about shrimp foods and I specifically didn't recommend which I prefer, but it's a fun discussion.  I feed shrimp king complete and I like to rotate 2-3 "main foods".  I also am a fan of once a week foods like bee pollen or powdered foods for baby shrimp.

Please feel free to reach out via DM or to bug me with questions in my shrimp journal (or if you make one!) and by all means, I am happy to help and excited to do so! Ask away. 🙂

This thread, apart from my own journal, I do dive into some care techniques I use for my shrimp.

Shrimp food thread:

My journey with Neocaridina Shrimp:

In terms of setup, mentioned in that first link:
-Add some wood
-Add some air
-Fine sponge filter
-Add more air
-Use a feeding dish
-Moss is awesome and extremely good for shrimp!
-Plants are great, bigger leaves are helpful too for grazing.
-Use a feeding dish
-Feed a "complete" food intended for shrimp in said dish

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Check out Mark’s shrimp tanks. He has tons of great video on all the topics you want to know.

when you get your shrimp make sure to take the time for a good drip acclimation. 

I started my blue dream tank late September and I have my 1st shrimplets now. Mark’s channel has helped me a bunch 


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I was super worried before I started my first shrimp tank as I read so much that they’re sensitive and difficult and can have all sorts of issues. My experience has been the exact opposite, though. 

-Try to get your shrimp locally, if possible. If they’re born and raised in your water the likelihood that they’ll thrive for you goes up. My first cherry shrimp came from someone on Craigslist and the shrimp thrived from the start. I’ve also gotten shrimp from my LFS and they’re crushing, too. 
-Shrimp need stability. My current shrimp tank I’m not even sure I’ve done a legit water change. Just topped off when it needs it. That being said, I also have tons of shrimp in tanks that get a weekly 30% water change. Just keep things stable. 
-Lots of plants, and if you have it, moss. Shrimp forage all day long, so provide them surfaces to graze and they’ll thank you. 
-You want a seasoned tank, not just a cycled tank before adding your shrimp. You want algae for them to graze on! Both of my shrimp only tanks were up for at least 8-10 weeks before I added my shrimp and I truly believe it is a necessary step. Be patient and you’ll thank yourself when you have more shrimp than you know what to do with. 
-I feed my shrimp every other day. 

For me, shrimp have been pretty easy and I currently have, have made/bred, and have sold hundreds and hundreds of them. Provide a seasoned ecosystem from the very beginning, keep that environment stable, don’t put them with predators, feed good foods, and the shrimp should take care of the rest. 

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On 11/17/2023 at 3:01 PM, ColBud said:

Check out Mark’s shrimp tanks.

@ColBud Welcome to the forums! I can't say this enough, Mark is an amazing resource and deserves all the credit in the world for making shrimp look easy.

He's taught me everything I know and then some...


On 11/17/2023 at 7:18 PM, AllFishNoBrakes said:

I was super worried before I started my first shrimp tank as I read so much that they’re sensitive and difficult and can have all sorts of issues.

Not kidding.... I wish everyone would get a few amano just to understand shrimp a bit better.  I'm not sure if you have any currently, but be sure to get some!

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@AllFishNoBrakes I don't know if i'm allowed to name brands on the forum but the best deal I found was from Buceplant (I have no bias toward stores, websites, or brands). They could also come pregnant. Im getting 10 rili and 10 sakura as the rule of thumb for shrimp is 10 per gallon. (I have a 9.1 long to be the vessel for the scape and breeding). @nabokovfan87 @ColBud, I'm unfamiliar with this channel but for SURE will check him out. I'm finding my tips from Aquarium Co-op, GirlTalksFish, and the occasional tip dropped from Fish for Thought.

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Per forum rules I think you can mention brands, but links is where I believe it’s limited to ACO, Amazon, and ACO partners. I could be wrong on that, but I wouldn’t hesitate to say where I got them. That’s just me, though, and someone more familiar with the rules might chime in. 

Either way, the advice remains the same, and let us know if you run into any troubles! A lot of friendly people here on the forum that simply want to help others be successful and share the joy of aquatics. I know when I first started I only had myself, so finding other fish nerds was awesome for me. 

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