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Not sure what to do (new plant)

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Sorry for the late reply, I wanted to attach a pic. This is full sized bolbitis. When I originally got it I did not think it would make it, but I put it in the darkest corner of my tank and its growing sprouts from its ryzome (sp). This might also be your case. I'd advise to do the same, put it in a dark corner, watch for new green growth from the ryzome.


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In the case of anubis, bolbitis or any other plant for that matter, it is my belief that less is more! These newer lights are (again IMO) stronger than people realize, even if shaded there is still radiation getting to the plant that it can use, but it (usable PAR) can't be seen by the human eye! If you are able to move it farther away or cover portions of the light I would!  Hopefully you will see growth soon!

Edited by JoeQ
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On 11/9/2023 at 6:14 PM, Danielle77 said:

@JoeQ I have some anubis in the same tank that's doing good as well as some Java windelov. 

If thats doing good placing in close proximity will probably be beneficial. Is the rhizome still in good shape? 

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