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betta been acting strange for 2 weeks already


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fish tank: 5 Gallons. hiding spots, heater, filter hob (nice and slow current.) no tank mates, solo. nice calming dim lights.

I have had him for a year-

water balance= nothing out of the ordinary. been testing it with strips (and taken the water to petsmart for testing.) nearly every other day. ph is good, N&N are decent.

the Betta male, would greet me every day, chase me from one side to another. hyper activity just doing crazy little betta stuff.

in the beginning, the fish started to act little bit strange. paid no mind, (thought it was a fluke, checked the temperature 79.1, water parameters just fine) but the next couple of days.

noticed, he wasn't swimming just hanging at the bottom of the tank, then erratic swim patterns. (bolt speed, then stop. rest.) then sometimes he would do a lap in the tank then get a gasp of air and back to the bottom.

the gills look normal, the color was fine. (he WAS eating.)

A week ago, I just noticed he was being a bit lifeless, took him out. Placed him in an ICU tank, observed him. the next day. he didnt eat, rolled around on the floor. 

Gave him Epson salt baths, he was starting to perk up after the 5th day of the Epson salt bath. the 6th day, he went back to the way he was. 

his color was starting to fade from the beginning of all this. 

he is hiding any opportunity he gets and at some point, i got scared if he is dead and start pestering him little bit just to make sure at some point he was just stale as a dead fish. suddenly zoomed around the tank, got a gasp of air and back to hiding. 

(also using stress guard)

Its been 2 weeks he hasn't pooped and aten. (I can see his poop in the ICU Tank.)

he would eat his favorite small pellets, but no attention (no appitite.)


at this rate, I'm thinking its "his" time. 

His personality did a 100% change all of a sudden. 

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as an update.

Noticed, their gills were a little red and seems like his fins were clamped and color went dull.
Started a aqua salt bath [1/5] (15min a day.), today is the 2nd day but he's super active now back to normal. 

the color is a lot better and no racing strips on the side.

however, its been a week and half he's not eating. 

starting different foods:

hikari foods, bugbites. [hes still not interested in it. swallows it and spits it out. now] 

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On 11/4/2023 at 10:46 PM, shokanti said:

as an update.

Noticed, their gills were a little red and seems like his fins were clamped and color went dull.
Started a aqua salt bath [1/5] (15min a day.), today is the 2nd day but he's super active now back to normal. 

the color is a lot better and no racing strips on the side.

however, its been a week and half he's not eating. 

starting different foods:

hikari foods, bugbites. [hes still not interested in it. swallows it and spits it out. now] 

What are your water parameters any rapid breathing hanging out near the surface lethargy flashing spitting food out sunken belly 

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I have a testing strip:

hardness is 0; nitrate and nitrite is 0; CL 0; Carbonate is 40; PH 6.4 (all parameters seem okay so far.) 

I'm doing the 3rd salt bath so far, they are perking up and started swimming normally. 

He isn't lethargic anymore, the belly looks normal. nothing out of the ordinary. 

When I get by the fish tank, he starts to move around and notice me and everyone around the house.

I have him in an ICU tank, no substrate. Just an airstone. small heater. (every time I place him in the salt bath, i replace that water.) 
Its about to hit the 2 week marker and he is not eating and not pooping. 

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What I would do is epsom salt baths 1 table spoon for 1 gallon for no more than 15 minutes for 5 days as Epsom salt acts as a muscle relaxant help with constipation I would do treat with expel p once a week for 3 weeks as he's not eating a couldn't rule out a parasitic infection @shokanti

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