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15g project


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This tank has been sitting in my garage for about 2 years waiting for it's "spot" to be emptied out, floors cleaned, walls repainted, ect. Then supplies bought, and the back & side sprayed.

Welp,  the day has finally arrived and it's in its permanent home.  The plans of now are either trying a true low maintenance Walsted tank (which one minute I'm seriously considering.... the next I'm vehemently against!!!!), or aqua soil capped with eco complete, which I prematurely bought the supplies for.....

In the back of my mind I'll probably settle on a Walsted bowl (to come later) and go with the original plan of capped aqua soil.

Anywho, the first pic:


Special thanks go to @TheSwissAquarist who helped me track down something called an aquarium mat! (who knew there was even such a thing!) 

The product can be found here:


Edited by JoeQ
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On 10/21/2023 at 8:30 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

Looks good.  I would love to see the aqua soil tank!


Thanks, so far, so good. All with the exception of I already got a scratch in it..... Tomorrow ill probably fill it to see if she holds (I probably should have done that outside 😬) and also try to get some of the oily film off it which I think was from manufacturing or sitting in the garage too long.  As for aqua soil vs dirt. I listen to Bently I think heck no to dirt, aqua soil is the way to go! I just listened to the video you posted and I think, what's the worst that can happen! 😂 In the end ill probably go with the method which will teach me the most, and im sure you are aware of my affinity for pushing the eco system narrative sooooo I think you can guess what way im leaning......... (at least for tonight) 🤣🤣🤣

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Today I also seeded and setup a corner sponge filter and added 2 small wonder shells. The co-op light will also be set to run for a few hours in the morning and a few hours at night at 10%. My idea now is to use terracotta pots some with capped dirt, some with capped aqua soil and see what happens!

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Haven't tested but im sure there isn't anything close to a cycle even started yet. No signs of algae yet either.  But I figured it would be a good experiment to see if adding floating plants could get a head of the algae growth and minimize it. Added was some hornwort, penny wort and a sprig of pogo. I also added a rock from my 10g, a pinch of fish food plus 2 squirts of ez green which will be dosed on mondays. Ill also adjust the lighting to 8h with a siesta in the afternoon.


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Added another corner sponge, (not for filtration but simply for the flow) change to the dual-output coop battery airpump. As well as added a portion of Java moss that wasn't doing so good in my main tank. No algae yet, but some good bio film growing on the right airhose. 2 pumps of easy green a week was massively under fertilizing with only the 2 original plants. I'll be stepping it up to 2 pumps every other or every 3rd day. No nitrites detected on 10/27, a small amount was detected today.



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On 11/2/2023 at 2:58 AM, TheSwissAquarist said:

Nice! What’s the stocking plan? 

Not quite sure yet, for me live stock is always ornamental to the plants. For now I'm thinking shrimp, snails and guppies. Ask me again tomorrow and that might change tho!

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Still not much going on here except cycling. I'm pretty sure it was cycled after a few days on account of seedling but had a small nitrite spike so let it go, once it hit 50ppm nitrates and 0 nitrites I did a 75% water change, and haven't tested since. I only added clippings from my main tank and some frogbit. Today I added a rock which really ties the tank together (I love that line!) and a heater. Olive nerite snails should be delivered on the 13th (next monday)



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On 11/15/2023 at 2:35 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

I'm assuming the "main tank eco complete" vs. non-main tank eco complete just means it's cycled and has been charged up in the tank?

My main tank has been setup since 2015~2016 and has had god knows what stuck in it. Including cuttle bone, root tabs, aqua soil, crushed coral and Mexican potting clay!

I still have more pots to make, but between pulling up plants and collecting trimmings that needs to be put off for another day. 

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On 11/15/2023 at 11:45 AM, JoeQ said:

My main tank has been setup since 2015~2016 and has had god knows what stuck in it. Including cuttle bone, root tabs, aqua soil, crushed coral and Mexican potting clay!

Alright. I think I understand.

I just asked because looking at the growth it seemed pretty evident one of them had nutrients charged up and others might not have.

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