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strange fungal disease?


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5.5 gallon tank


I do not have a test kit so unfortunately I do not know the exact parameters of my tanks water. I do have test strips and will include a picture of the results, though I'm not sure how trustworthy they are. the tank temperature is set at 80°

I have been performing daily water changes, one at 25% and then one at 50% to rearrange her tank to remove hard decor and add another sand cap. I think her water conditions are stressing her out and would really appreciate tips to improve it. I plan to continue daily 25% water changes for the duration of some strange symptoms.

I'm trying to figure out what in earth my fish has. she has multiple symptoms across what I think may be more than one disease. she has had fungal looking growths on her in the past, but recently her body has been changing color a lot from stress, looking discolored from illness like body rot,  and as it has gone on I have also started to suspect the presence of velvet parasite? on top on this when she becomes more stressed I begin to notice symptoms of dropsy. they are not extreme yet but I am so scared !! this is her second day on antibiotics. I have been feeding her kanaplex through medication-water soaked pellets.

if you have any ideas about what this may be or tips to move forward I truly appreciate it. the first picture is her before kanaplex, the second is about 2 months ago. I don't have a photo of her dropsy symptoms nor velvet. she's minorly bloated with a hint of pineconing. I noticed some suspiciously prevalent orange last night and didn't see it today. keeping her tank light off and plan to get a copper kit plus copper test kit. godspeed



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Can you take a picture from above so I can see the pineconing it's difficult to see velvet off your  picture or fungal infections you described i can see a lump between the eyes does it have a fuzzy appearance he's what velvet looks like for comparison does it look like this Screenshot_20231022-002645.png.809e21d156200cde6e6fefaae2043e75.png

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I'll add 2-3 notes here and let colu advise in terms of the correct treatment for everything going on.

Firstly, I think with the "featheryness" on the edge of the fin here you might be dealing with a mild case of fin rot.  It's very hard to see, but it's the type of thing where I would treat for it accordingly.


I also wanted to extend this bit of information which might be applicable.  The dark color on the head may be an external protozoan type of parasite.  This fishkeeper has their fish autopsied and they found a few issues.  It is a very helpful video for understanding that there is a lot of common diseases we just simply aren't aware of as hobbyists.

One final note, I would be sure you are using aquarium salt in addition to other treatments.  for external issues it can do wonders.  Just make sure you add an airstone to help move water around and add oxygenation (yes, even for a betta).

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thank you for the help !! the orange that had concerned me seems to have changed with her color, and it doesn't look like the picture, so I think we're safe on velvet. also her other symptoms have dropped off greatly as I've been treating. antibiotics her giving her water changes and keeping her stress down . thankfully I have been able to get in contact with a much more experienced fishkeeper, as well, who is willing to take her on ! 


again thank you so much !

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