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How many corys in a 9 gallon tank?


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I have a 9 gallon tank that I used to keep my male betta in. He died a few months ago and I emptied the tank to take to my new house. I decided I want Pygmy/panda corys. I have no idea how many corys I should get though. I don’t want to overcrowd the tank but I don’t want a too small group. Also, what tank mates would go well with Pygmy/pandas.

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For a 9 I don’t recommend pandas. They will be fine when young but they get a touch to big and are to active for a 9 plus they breed like crazy. 

Pygmy I would do a group of 10.  I kept 10 in a 10 and as they bred it went to 20. They didn’t have an issue but at 20 they became so active I upgraded them. 


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