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Keeping mutt guppies outside: Winter in Wilmington, North Carolina

Sandra the fish rookie

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I have LOTS of guppies, I LOVE guppies. I have them in one of my tanks, and I have a mini pond that is in my 3-season room. It is a converted screen porch that has 10-mil polyvinyl sliding panels that keep it warmer in winter. I keep them all closed, and the pond has an ACO heater set at 80. but this week it dropped to 49 and the tank was at 67.9. but warmed up throughout the day to the mid-70s (ranges between 76 and 78ish). I check it EVERY single morning to see if they are okay. They are pretty lively and happy so far. 

I have had rice fish, but I wanted to try guppies. but I am worried. should I add another heater? Should I move the heater that is in there to a different place in the pond? It's just under the waterfall. My plants have been in there for way over 2 years. and they live all the way through the winter without an issue. The pothos have been there since the beginning. The pond has been set up for over 2.5 years. The deck is wood and screened for bugs. but I plan to put vinyl plank flooring in the spring.

The pond is around 10 gallons. There is a central pump filter, then a sponge filter, substrate, and plants inside as well (Java fern, Val, and Anubis). 

I am a bit nervous... should I take them out? Any other recommendations are happily welcomed. 

Patio Pond 1.jpg

Patio Pond 2.jpg

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Guppies do okay for me when the air temperature gets down into the mid 50's, in 20 gallon unheated tubs, but I don't know what the water temperature goes to.  I don't know if that helps or not.

I don't think anyone can give you a definitive answer on whether or not you should add another heater without knowing how low the air temperature will get, or for how long.  Is there any chance you could move them to a larger container?  The water will change temperature more slowly with larger volume.

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My mother remembers her father keeping guppies in NY state outside on the covered porch unheated year round in an aquarium that would freeze occasionally and the fish would live.  She was surprised when I told her that they probably are too weak for that nowadays.  I wonder if you could restore the genetics by breeding them outside in your pond.

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