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Differences in boesemani rainbows

Ben P.

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I've been searching online but struggling to find real answers.  What are the differences in the collection point boesemani vs standard?  The ones I'm looking at are aves creek, and lake antijo collection points.  I'm not finding concrete answers as to the differences in them.  Both lake antijo and aves creek say that the colors are more intense than normal ones but I don't know that there is a real difference between the two collection point lines.  Basically I want to know if premium money on the connection point lines is worth it? Any knowledge on the subject is appreciated

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Different location is different patterns, basically.

Bosemani is a general "catch all" term as opposed to others which have locations tied to specific color variations. 

@Bentley Pascoe was talking about aves creek for his as well as one other collection point that was mentioned.  Very beautiful and distinct fish!  There's some places that will use the more specific terminology like L-numbers for plecos and others will just say "clown pleco".  If you can tie things back to specific, clear origins, that usually is better for the sake of understanding what you're working with, buying/selling, and give you a better idea for any sort of specific care needs in that origin location.


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