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Franklin needs help :(


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 My partner has a 6yr old African Ciclid and in the last 2 weeks, he’s got a weird growth on his head.

A small hole opened and something like pus was coming out of it. So we did a water clean and change. In those 2 weeks, the bump has only gotten bigger and the original hole got bigger. We fixed the ph & kh levels and waited a while longer.

Now, the bump is misshapen and another hole has opened. We’re trying API general cure and only on the first dose. 
 No amount of googling looks like what her fish has going on. Everything says hole in the head but it does not look like that seeing as the bump formed recently. I’ve attached pictures of the current state of the bump. 




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I would be suspicious of hole in the head with what your describing what I would do is treat with metroplex in food feeding a small amount twice a day for upto 3 weeks and do a course of maracyn2 just in case there's a bacterial component the combination of the two medication provides a broad spectrum treatment @helpfrank


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