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What's the trick with in vitro


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Been setting up my first tank in 5 years and starting to become more and more into plants. Got me a in vitro baby tears plant and wonder what is the trick in getting it planted.

I took out most of the medium (very tricky with these tiny roots) but somehow it keeps floating in my aquarium (I got quite a bit of current due to the size of the canister filer). For now its on top of the substrate with a ceramic ring to keep it down but doubt this will be a success like this. On the Tube I see people tearing the carpet up in tinier bits and plant it but I don't see this succeeding in my substrate. 

Thoughts? what am I missing here?



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I have always wondered if the plant isn't called 'baby's tears' because trying and failing to get it to grow will make one cry like a baby.

I like your ceramic ring idea.

In my the aquariums in my dirted tank project, I just crudely jammed the plants into the substrate, burying leaves and all. This leaves just a few leaves poking up above the surface. Not the best way I admit, but it holds the plants down.


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First in vitro plants are in fertilizing gel you remove it easy with water.

Second don't put whole circle in tank take it out and make few clumps of it as many as you like then with tweezers put it in substrate. You don't need to cover just roots with substrate part of the stem can bi covered too and if conditions are good it will release new roots.

There is nothing extra special in planting in vitro plants vs potted plants.

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Cheers @Roko yes I indeed removed most of the gel with water. Maybe I have been to careful and should just plant it deeper, not sure if it works but can give it a try. 

@Daniel I do understand your chain of thoughts, only after purchasing online I read its a very difficult plant to grow so not having much hopes but have to give it a try anyway!


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