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Tiger Barb problem?


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Giant bulge on the back side of one of my barbs.  Anyone seen this before?  Dunno if it’s a tumor, an injury, or something else. 

I have 17 barbs in the 75 gallon tank. They are great fish. Always lively and fun to watch. They’re like little juvenile delinquents of the fish world. 

I’ve got the giant FX6 external filter and the tank is live planted and well cycled. When I tested the water a few days ago all the parameters were very low including nitrates. Ph was about 7.8. 

just don’t think this guy is going to make it unless it’s something simple. The bump has grown noticeably in the last 48 hours. 




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On 10/12/2023 at 1:45 AM, Steel-W0LF said:

Giant bulge on the back side of one of my barbs.  Anyone seen this before?  Dunno if it’s a tumor, an injury, or something else. 

I have 17 barbs in the 75 gallon tank. They are great fish. Always lively and fun to watch. They’re like little juvenile delinquents of the fish world. 

I’ve got the giant FX6 external filter and the tank is live planted and well cycled. When I tested the water a few days ago all the parameters were very low including nitrates. Ph was about 7.8. 

just don’t think this guy is going to make it unless it’s something simple. The bump has grown noticeably in the last 48 hours. 




Could be caused by a bacterial infection causing localized inflammation of the tissue looking at the redness to the tissue I couldn't rule out a cancerous growth what I would do is quarantine and treat with aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 2 gallons that will help remove any possible fluid buildup and do a course of maracyn2 in food feeding a small amount twice a day for 7 days add an extra air stone during treatment active ingredient in maracyn2 minocycline also has anti-inflammatory properties and will treat any possible bacterial infections even with the  treatment I recommended it might not recover if you think it's suffering or not responding to treat and getting worse then I would humanely euthanize it with clove oil 




Edited by Colu
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