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New Betta issue


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Parameters are

Amonnia 0

Nitrite 0

Nitrate 20ppm

GH 60ppm

KH 40ppm

PH ~7.4

Temp. 79-80F

I only got him a couple days ago and he was doing it the first day so I don't think its related to my water parameters. He is having these spasm episodes. Like he is thrashing as hard as he possibly can and sometimes he like vibrates his head. It seems to be getting worse too. Something is definitely wrong. I just did a quick google and came up with gill flukes which it said was very difficult to get rid of. It does seem like there is something in his head bothering him. Maybe its just my imagination but I might have seen some brown worm thing sticking out of his gill flaps. I'm in Canada so I really only have access to salt for treatment. I guess all I can do is hope the salt works. Ill start treating him tomorrow with 1 Table spoon per 3 gallons or should I go straight to 1 in 2 gallons?

You can also see quite a bit of redness around his gills.


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On 10/5/2023 at 2:31 AM, Supermassive said:

Parameters are

Amonnia 0

Nitrite 0

Nitrate 20ppm

GH 60ppm

KH 40ppm

PH ~7.4

Temp. 79-80F

I only got him a couple days ago and he was doing it the first day so I don't think its related to my water parameters. He is having these spasm episodes. Like he is thrashing as hard as he possibly can and sometimes he like vibrates his head. It seems to be getting worse too. Something is definitely wrong. I just did a quick google and came up with gill flukes which it said was very difficult to get rid of. It does seem like there is something in his head bothering him. Maybe its just my imagination but I might have seen some brown worm thing sticking out of his gill flaps. I'm in Canada so I really only have access to salt for treatment. I guess all I can do is hope the salt works. Ill start treating him tomorrow with 1 Table spoon per 3 gallons or should I go straight to 1 in 2 gallons?

You can also see quite a bit of redness around his gills.


You could be dealing with Gill flukes as you have live plants what I would do is quarantine and treat with aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 1 gallon for two week or you can do salt baths 1 table spoon for 1 gallon for no more than 15 minutes for  5 days give him a break after 5 days to let him de-stress then repeat for another 5 days you could contact a vet to see if you could get a prescription for praziquantel 


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On 10/5/2023 at 2:52 PM, Supermassive said:

@Colu Thanks for the advice. If I can get the praziquantel should I use the aquarium salt too or just one or the other? And if I do isolate with aquarium salt should I be doing water changes more or less frequently than normal or not at all?

If you can get praziquantel what I would do is still dose the salt it will aid Gill function and add essential electrolytes salt is only removed though water changes so I would just water change as usual so if you did a 1 gallon water change put 1 table spoon of salt back in 

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@Colu The vet didn't have the medication. 


I setup a hospital tank with the salt and a heater and airstone. I really hope he gets better. I only had my first Betta for 4 months before he got sick and died and now my new Betta is already sick. I've read a lot of bad things about Bettas and their health/genetics. I don't have much hope that he will live very long. My mom is actually going to the US for a couple weeks in a few days and she is going to order the med trio for me. Hopefully he lives long enough and when she gets back I can treat him with that too. Are there any other meds I should get while I have the chance?

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On 10/5/2023 at 8:49 PM, Supermassive said:

@Colu The vet didn't have the medication. 


I setup a hospital tank with the salt and a heater and airstone. I really hope he gets better. I only had my first Betta for 4 months before he got sick and died and now my new Betta is already sick. I've read a lot of bad things about Bettas and their health/genetics. I don't have much hope that he will live very long. My mom is actually going to the US for a couple weeks in a few days and she is going to order the med trio for me. Hopefully he lives long enough and when she gets back I can treat him with that too. Are there any other meds I should get while I have the chance?

Your vet might have flubendazole or fenbendazole both are effective at treating flukes  the medications I like to have to hand are Fritz expel p active levamisole prazipro active ingredient is praziquantel or paracleanse active ingredient is praziquantel and metronidazole maracyn2 and kanaplex both are broad spectrum antibiotic treatments ick x active is malachite green that effect at treating ich and aquarium salt these medication Will treat most commonly encountered parasites and bacterial diseases 

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  • 3 weeks later...

@Colu So I left him in the salt for 2 weeks. I have seen him do the spasms only a couple of times. It seems like it happens when he rubs the tip of his face on something. He was probably doing it a lot more in the big tank because there was a lot more stuff in the tank. The redness underneath his gills seems to be about the same. He has some color coming in on his fins and body so thats a good sign at least. I did a 50PWC today with no salt. Going to do another 50PWC tomorrow and the next day. My mom gets back on Tuesday with the med trio so ill probably start treating with that on Wednesday. Is there anything I should do in particular besides following the directions from aquarium coop for using the med trio?

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On 10/21/2023 at 8:07 PM, Supermassive said:

@Colu So I left him in the salt for 2 weeks. I have seen him do the spasms only a couple of times. It seems like it happens when he rubs the tip of his face on something. He was probably doing it a lot more in the big tank because there was a lot more stuff in the tank. The redness underneath his gills seems to be about the same. He has some color coming in on his fins and body so thats a good sign at least. I did a 50PWC today with no salt. Going to do another 50PWC tomorrow and the next day. My mom gets back on Tuesday with the med trio so ill probably start treating with that on Wednesday. Is there anything I should do in particular besides following the directions from aquarium coop for using the med trio?

What I would do is treat with paracleanse every two weeks following the instructions on the box for three full courses of treatment so treat on week 1 week 3 week 5  

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On 10/21/2023 at 6:44 PM, Colu said:

What I would do is treat with paracleanse every two weeks following the instructions on the box for three full courses of treatment so treat on week 1 week 3 week 5 

Well the thing is I'm not really sure if its actually gill flukes or something else. I just did one google search and gill flukes is the result I got. I don't want to treat him with paracleanse and then have that not solve the issue. Wouldn't it be safer to do the med trio or does it definitely seem like a parasite to you?

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On 10/22/2023 at 12:36 AM, Supermassive said:


Well the thing is I'm not really sure if its actually gill flukes or something else. I just did one google search and gill flukes is the result I got. I don't want to treat him with paracleanse and then have that not solve the issue. Wouldn't it be safer to do the med trio or does it definitely seem like a parasite to you?

Med trio is more of a preventive treatment with the symptoms your fish has I would treat for a parasitic infection with paracleanse 

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On 10/22/2023 at 2:05 AM, Supermassive said:

@Colu Okay that makes sense, thank you very much. Can I move him back to the big tank before I start treatment or should I leave him in the hospital tank? Hes already been in the tank for two weeks and I would prefer if he didn't have to stay in it for over another month.

Hospital tank is a smaller volume of water so you will use less medication you could move him back to the main tank and treat the medication won't harm your plants 

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On 10/21/2023 at 9:34 PM, Colu said:

Hospital tank is a smaller volume of water so you will use less medication you could move him back to the main tank and treat the medication won't harm your plants 

Okay thanks for the info and help. I think I will move him back into the big tank. I guess I can do that tomorrow too since hes done his two weeks in the salt.

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On 10/22/2023 at 5:16 PM, Supermassive said:

@Colu Would it be okay to take him straight out of the salt and put him in the other tank without acclimating?

it won't harm him taking him out of the salt as long as the temperature and water parameters are similar it will be fine to treat  in the main tank 

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@Colu I think he is already improving. I don't think I've seen him spasm at all since hes been back in the main tank. He's also a lot more relaxed it seems. When I got him basically all he did was swim back and forth along the glass. Since I moved him back to the main tank he has been doing it less and less. And even when he does do it its a lot less aggressively. He actually swims around and explores the tank which he almost never did when I first had him in the main tank.

So today is the third day of treatment and I just put the second dose in the tank. I just want to be clear about the timing. From the start of the first treatment to the start of the second treatment should be spaced by 14 days? So in 11 more days I will start the next round right?


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On 10/27/2023 at 9:03 PM, Supermassive said:

@Colu I think he is already improving. I don't think I've seen him spasm at all since hes been back in the main tank. He's also a lot more relaxed it seems. When I got him basically all he did was swim back and forth along the glass. Since I moved him back to the main tank he has been doing it less and less. And even when he does do it its a lot less aggressively. He actually swims around and explores the tank which he almost never did when I first had him in the main tank.

So today is the third day of treatment and I just put the second dose in the tank. I just want to be clear about the timing. From the start of the first treatment to the start of the second treatment should be spaced by 14 days? So in 11 more days I will start the next round right?


Yes in 11 days redose then do another course in 14 days 

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  • 5 weeks later...

@Colu I finished the treatment today with the final water change. I do think it worked. The last time I saw him spasm was a couple days before I started the second round of treatment.

Thank you so much for all the help. I'm very happy with how well he is doing.


This is what he looks like now. There is quite a bit more color on his fins and body.


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  • 1 month later...

@Colu I think another problem is coming up with my betta. Yesterday I saw him sorta thrash again. He only did it once that I noticed. I watched him closely the rest of the day and didn't see him do it again so I figured it was just random. But this morning I woke up and noticed a small white spot on his left ventral fin about 1-2mm so now I'm concerned there actually is an issue. I also noticed there is like a white string hanging off the spot.

Can you tell what this might be or does it need more time?


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On 1/21/2024 at 10:41 AM, Supermassive said:

@Colu I think another problem is coming up with my betta. Yesterday I saw him sorta thrash again. He only did it once that I noticed. I watched him closely the rest of the day and didn't see him do it again so I figured it was just random. But this morning I woke up and noticed a small white spot on his left ventral fin about 1-2mm so now I'm concerned there actually is an issue. I also noticed there is like a white string hanging off the spot.

Can you tell what this might be or does it need more time?


What are you feeding him? What size tank is he in? What kind of filter does he have? Might just need more time…

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