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^ Just looked, I think it(sponge filter) would work. LMK if I'm wrong.


Only honey gouramis I'm finding are dwarfs, but I've read they are different than regular red honey gouramis. If anyone had any links to some or an explanation that'd be great. 🙂

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On 11/13/2023 at 7:48 AM, gmm said:

Yeah sorry to clarify I'm not looking at a sorority or a harem don't worry LOL. And @GuppysnailI was actually looking at some gourami (the opaline ones) and they seem awesome. Thanks for the insight on the betta health issues, too. Would Gourami have the same(ish) tank set up as a betta?

Pearl gouramis from my understanding are more aggressive than honey gouramis. I’ve only kept honeys because I did not want to deal with aggression so I can’t actually speak from experience on the pearls or their care needs  

I would guess they would need a lot more hardscape and sight breaks but I really do not know. 

Honeys can be in A betta set up. Though 80 degrees is nearing their high temp comfort. Honeys can tolerate hard or soft water and can handle a bit more flow. 

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