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Help with dying neon tetra and possible sickness in remaining neon tetra


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I have 3 issues which I will prioritize

1) I have one dead neon (but need to confirm death so I don't cause any further suffering if it is still barely alive)

2) another 1 that is going the same way so possibly need to know how to euthanize to reduce suffering

3 ) 5 other tetras who don't look quite right to me (these were our first fish 10 months ago) but I am not sure if I am just worrying and I haven't had experience with fish illness before.

Five days ago the first fish was found in the  60 l community tank ( housing a placid betta, 7 neon tetras, a nerite snail and 3 red cherry shrimp set up 11 months ago) (my other betta which we bought for a different tank is in a tank on his own as he is very aggressive and cannot tolerate anything else in his tank we did try a nerite but we removed due to Bettas aggression) listing to one side and breathing rapidly. So I did parameter check ( nh3 0, no2 0, no3 10-20, pH 7.4, GH 11, kh4, temperature 24C) the tank has a heater, internal filter that came with kit and an airstone with air pump. The fish also appeared to have a big belly and a curved spine (Which it didn't have for the first 8 months at least).So I did some online research and wasn't sure what I was dealing with. In case of anything contagious I removed this fish to a hospital tank with a sponge filter and heater. I also then observed the other fish 2/3 appeared to be breathing a bit rapidly and one had slight curve of spine. This was a night so could not consult LFS in order to protect the community tank all neon tetras were removed to hospital tank which was the treated with general tonic.

On consultation with LFS the next morning they to put all the fish who didn't have severe signs back into community tank. So I kept the 2 with the rapid breathing, possible swelling and curved spine in hospital tank and returned the others to community tank. At this point if the fish were mine (they are my 10 year old autistic son's fish) I would have serious considered euthanizing the worst one using blunt trauma plus knife to brain.

Over the last 24 hours the very sick fish got worse and stayed on the bottom on its side but was breathing, this morning he is on the bottom gills don't appear to be moving (checked over 30 mins) so I think he is dead but his eye are not cloudy and still has colour on body. How do I confirm death?

Also second fish in hospital tank appears to be going the same way so may have to consider euthanizing. But would have to be a method that didn't destroy body as son wishes to bury the fish. How do I do this? I am thinking clove oil but I know it's difficult to get right so I need some advice on that?

Concerning the 5 remaining neon in community tank 2 show signs of rapid breathing and one maybe has belly swelling. What can I do for these fish? Is it safe for them to remain in community tank?

I have a picture of the possibly dead fish but won't include it here in case it could upset anyone but I can provide it.

I have also taken picture of remaining fish which I will attach her ,( the green water is from the general tonic)

I would appreciate any help I want to do the best for these fish. Thank you




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Hi @Colu thank you for your reply -  most of the plants are artificial as it was our first tank and is actually my son's so we're nervous of having to balance live plants and fish but since then I have my own tank which has all live plants. I have added some java moss to my son's tank will that do anything? Really I need something fast growing or floating to help more efficiently. So far I only have experience with java fern annubius and dwarf hair grass ( with which I am having limited success) I tried frogbit in my tank but it died quite quickly. Not sure if this was because it was one of the small cultured pots and I put it in without a ring and the water flow was too much for it to establish. I have just (3days ago) bought a water lettuce for my tank which I have in a feeding ring to protect from flow. I have been nervous to add anything to the tank as I was worried about stressing the fish out more and also whether I might introduce anything into he tank that might effect its balance such as snail eggs etc

Do you have any suggestions of plants that might help? Also is there anyway of among sure I don't any nasties with the plants?

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On 9/29/2023 at 5:10 PM, nemocura said:

Hi @Colu thank you for your reply -  most of the plants are artificial as it was our first tank and is actually my son's so we're nervous of having to balance live plants and fish but since then I have my own tank which has all live plants. I have added some java moss to my son's tank will that do anything? Really I need something fast growing or floating to help more efficiently. So far I only have experience with java fern annubius and dwarf hair grass ( with which I am having limited success) I tried frogbit in my tank but it died quite quickly. Not sure if this was because it was one of the small cultured pots and I put it in without a ring and the water flow was too much for it to establish. I have just (3days ago) bought a water lettuce for my tank which I have in a feeding ring to protect from flow. I have been nervous to add anything to the tank as I was worried about stressing the fish out more and also whether I might introduce anything into he tank that might effect its balance such as snail eggs etc

Do you have any suggestions of plants that might help? Also is there anyway of among sure I don't any nasties with the plants?

Any loss of appetite hanging at the surface lethargy flashing spitting food sunken belly any Redding to the Gill's 

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Hi @Colu thank you for your reply - no none of the above in fact bellies look swollen I thought we were feeding them too much so cut back bug I think swelling is gradually increasing. I am worried about how and what to do if the time comes they were like the other now dead one, if I can do anything to treat or at least help them ( I have added an Indian almond leaf to there tank last night) and the effects another fish in the tank 

They are not so bothered about food anymore but did eat small amount last night

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internal parasites can cause swollen belly or an internal bacterial infection what I would do is a course of kanaplex or maracyn2 which ever is more readily available they are broad spectrum antibiotic treatment do one full course of treatment then give an update if your seeing no improvement clove oil is a human way to euthanize a fish or you can get a product called koi sedate he's some information on clove oil if you need to use @nemocura



Edited by Colu
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