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Fin rot turned fungus infection?


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I have a Platy in my 29 gallon tank that had some minor fin rot. It WAS extremely minor. However, the tank had a bad seal and I woke up Thursday morning and the tank was only 1/4 of the way full. So I remediated and had all 15 fish in a new tank by about 7pm that night. The gravel, plants, filter media, and decor didn’t get washed or anything. I used fully cycled water to refill the new tank and added a dose of stability and stress guard. I came back today from being out of town overnight and it looks like the minor fin rot has turned into a growth. 

the tank was about 9 months old. And has a mix of platys and swordtails and I recently added a Siamese algae eater cause I was starting to get a hair algae problem. 6 of the platys are babies ranging from 1-6 months. 
The water isn’t testing with its old numbers yet but it still doing good in my opinion considering it’s recent trauma:

ph: 7.0 (typical was 7.5)

gh: 250

ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate: 0

alkalinity: 100ish (typical was 180ish)

I have crushed coral mixed in the substrate and I keep a 1tbl:5G salt ratio in this tank. 

she was stressed before the accident but now is laying at the bottom or swims to the top. Seems to have a hard time moving the injured back fin and her gills are working harder. The growth doesn’t seem fuzzy in texture but almost seems gel like. Almost looks like slime attached to her back fin. Pics attached

should I go with a fungal treatment? Or could this be just part of her fin healing? (I doubt it but my fingers are secretly crossed that her fin is just healing 😬🤦🏻‍♀️🤣

thanjs for your help in advance. 




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On 9/10/2023 at 6:27 PM, Colu said:

Could be saprolegniasis it's a water mould what I would do is quarantine and treat with a combination of ick X and aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 1 gallon active ingredient in ick X malachite green and aquarium salt are an effective treatment for saprolegniasis @FishMama814

What if I don’t have a pre-cycled ready to go quarantine tank? I know, I feel irresponsible but I don’t really have a place for it to be honest. I have a 10 g tank and the same cycled water I used in resetting up the 29 gallon, but no filter media except what’s in the 29 gallon which I don’t really want to mess with right now considering it’s recent trauma. Is there another fast way to get the ten gallon tank setup to quarantine her? Or should’ve I go a different direction?

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You can run and get a tank/tote and set it on the floor potentially.  The petco 1/2 off sale is on right now too.

That being said, you can also run the meds in the tank you have barring other options.  They both should have minimal impact on the filtration, as long as you are running strong, robust filtration.

I am sorry about the struggles.

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On 9/11/2023 at 12:49 AM, FishMama814 said:

What if I don’t have a pre-cycled ready to go quarantine tank? I know, I feel irresponsible but I don’t really have a place for it to be honest. I have a 10 g tank and the same cycled water I used in resetting up the 29 gallon, but no filter media except what’s in the 29 gallon which I don’t really want to mess with right now considering it’s recent trauma. Is there another fast way to get the ten gallon tank setup to quarantine her? Or should’ve I go a different direction?

What I would do is get a cheap sponge filter move him to the 10 gallon tank and keep close eye on your  water parameters and water change as needed then redose the salt and ick x

Edited by Colu
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