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pea puffer swimming oddly and flattened stomach


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i noticed last night my pea puffer wouldn’t come to the glass for feeding time, i thought it was really weird but considering i was later than normal feeding him i thought he might’ve been hiding, this morning i searched and found him lying no at the bottom with a crooked tail i got him to eat something but he’s still swimming slightly off. am i not feeding him enough or could it be internal parasites?2D0F7832-3ED3-4DCC-9310-AD6A488CA04C.jpeg.ca25d75fc83baa5dc055fa4846d8b21e.jpeg15224B2A-92A7-46A1-80BD-F51962274486.jpeg.aacba833d54435dd9f41b6598fd08b0f.jpeg

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On 8/21/2023 at 7:16 PM, Colu said:

He's looking thin could be weak how long have you had him what are your water parameters ammonia nitrite nitrate pH etc how often are you feeding him and what are you feeding is he eating ok does he have a sunken belly @reventuality

i’ve had him for about two months now, and i feed him a few bloodworms a day except for a fasting day once a week, until about 3 days ago he was nice and round. i checked water parameters and all showed up normal ammonia-0, nitrite-0, nitrate-10) so that’s why i’m thinking it’s IP went ahead and dosed general cure to be safe.

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On 8/22/2023 at 1:47 AM, reventuality said:

i’ve had him for about two months now, and i feed him a few bloodworms a day except for a fasting day once a week, until about 3 days ago he was nice and round. i checked water parameters and all showed up normal ammonia-0, nitrite-0, nitrate-10) so that’s why i’m thinking it’s IP went ahead and dosed general cure to be safe.

Just feeding blood worms can lead to nutritional deficiency in puffers I would feed a more varied diet including snails frozen or live daphnia brine shrimp black worms I would also soak his food in vita-chem it will add essential vitamins to his food some have got pea puffers to eat repashy or hikari vibra bites 

Edited by Colu
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This is EXACTLY what just happened to me this week. Little guy was doing fine, greeted me at the front of the tank ever day at feeding time. Then, suddenly stopped meeting me at the glass, would eventually meander over, nibble, then meander off. This happened for 2 days. Then yesterday morning. I went over to feed and he was lying motionless on the bottom but still alive. When he tried to swim it was wonky. I tried to get him to each a crushed snail  that he loves normally (he never liked bloodworms or mysis shrimp) but he acted like he didn’t even see it in front of his face. Also seemed thin and tail very crooked. He passed shortly after and I’m left scratching my head as to what happened.

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