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Tetras/rasboras dying


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Hello. I apologize about the length of this post. This is my first one, so hopefully I get everything that is needed. We have a planted 20 gal tank that has been running for about 7 months. We have had fish in it for 5 months. We have 5 panda corys (since the beginning), 1 honey Gourami (and 3 weeks), and several cherry shrimp (count unknown as they have been breeding). There are some bladder snails and ramshorn snails as well. We have a 20 gal HOB filter, an AQQA AQ-016 internal filter ( we were planning on pea puffers initially), and an air stone.

My husband and I wanted a schooling fish to make this a true community tank. We initially tried 6 rummy nose tetras, but they immediately started dying off. We had one that survived, so we attempted to reintroduce a group. Eventually they all passed.

We let the tank continue for roughly over a month before we introduced a group of green neon rasboras. We acclimated them by floating the bag and adding tank water every 15ish minutes for 45 min before adding them to the tank. Within 72 hours, the school was gone. At this point, we checked gh/kh. Gh 200 was and kh was 50. We were concerned this might be the problem and used a water pillow and started using more distilled water during our water changes. The gh was 120 and the kh was 100 after two weeks.

We tried again with a school of green neon rasboras and a honey gourami. We acclimated with a drip system and slowed the process down in case we were causing shock with our previous attempts. We also used the paraclense, ich-x, and erythromycin combo on the entire tank for prophylaxis. Just as before, the rasboras were gone within 96 hours. Outside of one that seemed incredibly stressed, all were schooling in the middle of the tank and eating well. They just started dropping one by one. The gourami (and our 5 pandas) thrived.

At this point, my husband and I went to our LFS to see if we were missing something. They recommended checking pH when lights came on and off to see if there was a massive ph swing. Lights on - ph 6.9, lights off - ph 7.1. Our LFS suggested black neon tetras, citing they are hardier than most. We did some research, waited a few weeks to get our gourami fully established, and tried a group of 6. They had been quarantined at our LFS for a week. We acclimated them as our LFS recommended: float the bag and add some tank water every five minutes for every 0.1 degree of ph. This was done 2 days ago. As of now, we have only one tetra alive.
Recent weekly stat range:

ammonia 0

nitrite 0 - 0.125

nitrate 10 - 30

pH 6.8 - 7.2

My husband and I are so incredibly frustrated. I have looked at countless sites online and cannot see what we are doing wrong. I am not going to bring fish home just to die and already feel like I have done that. Unless someone has anything else we can try, this tank seems like it will just be for our gourami and corys. Thank you for anything anyone can provide.


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The rummy nose and green neon rasboras have come from one LFS and the black neon tetras have come from a different LFS. I would like to try a QT but only have a 5 gal that is not running. This seems too small for a group of tetras, which is why I have not attempted to set it up.

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Since your gourami and corys appear to be doing well, your issue is likely a matter of your parameters changing just a little too much, and little too quickly for weaker fish (newly acquired from LFSs) to settle in and get healthy. Your latest PH test said: 6.8-7.2 ...if this is true, and that happens back and forth, say within every 24 hr period, then I would suspect that the newbies simply aren't getting adapted. Yes, the lighting can cause issues in PH and therefore cause issues with "new" fish.

I agree with @Guppysnail and @Sarina , a separate setup would be helpful along with super slow acclimation. In that quarantine tank, keep the lighting very low, or even ambient light only, to keep stress and water parameter changes to a minimum... plus meds, conditioners and testing. Honestly, with the problems you've been having, I would not hesitate to quarantine for as long as 4 weeks to be certain.

Hope that helps.

Edited by JChristophersAdventures
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Thank you all for your suggestions. We found out some of the stock at our LFS also died. The lone survivor is still going strong. My husband and I got a plastic tub and we will try the QT/ extremely slow acclimation process once the next batch arrives. Again, thank you all so much for your input!! Hopefully, we can make it work this time.

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On 8/24/2023 at 8:19 AM, wputt said:

Thank you all for your suggestions. We found out some of the stock at our LFS also died. The lone survivor is still going strong. My husband and I got a plastic tub and we will try the QT/ extremely slow acclimation process once the next batch arrives. Again, thank you all so much for your input!! Hopefully, we can make it work this time.

That's really unfortunate!  I hope that things improve for you.  Given the issues you've experienced at the LFS I wanted to mention 2 things.  Essentially what you could be running into is just a major acclimation issue.  It can be present if the water from the tank is very different from the water at the local store. 

If that is the case, it's normally best to go ahead and run a very slow acclimation process:
-Setup a container (preferably a bucket) where you can add a good amount of water over time.
-Add a portable airstone to that container
-Add in the fish, store water, and 1-2 drops of dechlorinator to that bucket.
-Using an airline and valve you can slowly add in water from the tank over ~30-90 minutes. 
(this is going to be very similar to the way neocaridina or sensitive species are acclimated)
-Once you are ready giving the fish time to acclimate to tank conditions, you would net them out and add them to the tank.  Don't add that water back into your tank as it could be contaminated.

The second thing, even on a young tank, could speak to a bit about what you're seeing.  This is where you would look at your maintenance routine, schedule, and how much water your changing. 

The second half of this video has a secondary explanation about how this can occur and might be what you're dealing with.


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