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Losing CPDs


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   In one of my tanks, I've lost 4 CPDs over the past week. There are Ember Tetras, Gold Tetras, Panda and Pigmy Corydoras, Otos, and a female Betta also. I haven't seen any pine coning, or spots, or strange behavior. I did liquid testing and found nothing out of the ordinary. What else should I look for? The tank temp is 75 degrees Fahrenheit, and is moderately planted (Anubias, Crypts, Buce, a few floaters). I feed the fish 5-6 times each week and do water changes of 25-30% about every 10 days. 

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On 8/18/2023 at 6:54 AM, Scaperoot said:

What else should I look for?

Given the stocking, it is something to just be aware of and look for so to speak.  Neon Tetra Disease. 

So, in terms of all of the fish and the CPDs do you see any washed out colors, is one species not coloring up?  Is there any behavior that stands out? Flashing? 

Basically, take a moment when you can and sit in front of the tank for ~30 minutes and just watch and see what you see.  After 20 minutes, go ahead and drop a little food to see behavior.  You'd want to see everyone going for food and make note of anyone who is getting really outcompetted for food.  Something like the danio might not have the activity level of the tetra and maybe it's that's simple.

As always, one of the best places to start would be salt.  1 tbsp per 5G as just a dose to boost up gill function and a few other things.  You can also add in some botanicals if you have them.

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On 8/18/2023 at 2:41 PM, JChristophersAdventures said:

@Scaperoot Just out of curiosity, how long has this tank been running and how long have you had this exact list of occupants (last time you added fish and which ones added?)? Also what is your filtration and water flow like throughout the tank? Thanks.

The tank has been running for two months. The cpds and most of the tetras were together in a smaller tank previously. I added the Betta and Corydoras once I changed the tank over a period of a few weeks. The last ones added were the Pandas, a week ago.  The tank has a hang on back filter placed at the center of the back of the tank. 

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It all looks good on paper, so I would almost suspect some kind of contaminant or unknown factor (water test kits can only test so much) may have found its way into your tank environment. I would suggest continuing to do your water changes, perhaps even a little more frequently to hopefully dilute whatever it is... out, continue to test what you can and do your best to keep your parameters steady. Also check to be sure the other fish are not out-competing the cpds for food or harassing them just to be thorough (how chill is the beta?). Hope that helps. Thanks.

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      Came home last night and found the last 3 were dead. Not sure if it's related, but one of my new Pandas is very pale. He/she is moving and eating a bit, but is less active than the rest. I haven't seen any aggression between any of my fish, but I do suspect that the cpds weren't getting to the food fast enough. I try to disperse it throughout the tank since my Otos are so shy. Another mistake was that I couldn't get to the store for a while to get frozen brine shrimp, which they loved. I substituted dry shrimp pellets, frozen daphnia, pellets, wafers, and even fry food to cover my bases. It was human error. 

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On 8/19/2023 at 2:23 PM, Scaperoot said:

      Came home last night and found the last 3 were dead. Not sure if it's related, but one of my new Pandas is very pale. He/she is moving and eating a bit, but is less active than the rest. I haven't seen any aggression between any of my fish, but I do suspect that the cpds weren't getting to the food fast enough. I try to disperse it throughout the tank since my Otos are so shy. Another mistake was that I couldn't get to the store for a while to get frozen brine shrimp, which they loved. I substituted dry shrimp pellets, frozen daphnia, pellets, wafers, and even fry food to cover my bases. It was human error. 

Does your panda have a pale patch or just loss of colour the fact all three died at the same time would rule out aggression I would be concerned about a possible bacterial infection 

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On 8/21/2023 at 6:52 AM, Colu said:

Does your panda have a pale patch or just loss of colour the fact all three died at the same time would rule out aggression I would be concerned about a possible bacterial infection 

I lost the panda as well. There was an ammonia spike over the weekend, so I did water changes. There were wafers that had been pushed to the back of the tank behind drift wood and plants and gone bad. I missed it. I had assumed the fish had eaten everything. The ammonia is gone now and the fish are behaving normally now. I'll have to keep a closer eye on uneaten food. 

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