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Longfin Neon Tetras Availability


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In Cory's newest fish room video, he shows off his new Long Fin Neon Tetras (https://youtu.be/EifJu5xMWnI?t=14m51s)

Peter at Eurofish has some and is trying to breed them. My wife and I are wanting to get some for one of our show tanks, but Aqua Huna doesn't deliver to Washington State.

Is Co-Op going to be stocking these, or can I special order some through the store? 


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  • 3 months later...

Hi there, I just joined the forum to reply to this. My local fish store in South Vancouver, BC (about 45 minutes from the US border) just had some of these in. I bought the last 10 but I think they said they will be bringing in more. Not sure if I am allowed to post the name of the aquarium store or not? (also it's pretty far to drive for fish but I would probably do it myself if I couldn't find any locally or online, lol).

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