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My garage "fish lab"

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All the tanks got a water change today.

The guppies don't seem to be thriving like they should. They may get moved over to the empty range that just has the Chromaphyosemion Volcanum mop in it right now. That tank doesn't have active substrate to pull minerals out of my already soft water.

The LFS rescaped one of their display tanks only to find that the scarlet badis in there has been breeding. So now they have female scarlet badis (badises? What's the plural?) in stock. It's a rare chance to get a pair and breed them. Supposedly they are easy to breed if you can actually find a female.

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Could this be from the spawning behavior you witnessed above? My gardneri will regularly injure their lips after sparring or spawning.

As long as you stay on top of water changes (I also add a pinch of salt to the water when this occurs) it should be okay. Good luck!

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On 12/19/2023 at 5:02 PM, GsFins said:

Could this be from the spawning behavior you witnessed above? My gardneri will regularly injure their lips after sparring or spawning.

As long as you stay on top of water changes (I also add a pinch of salt to the water when this occurs) it should be okay. Good luck!

Another killifish keepers?

That's plausible. Until recently she was being aggressive towards the male and he would hide in the back. Looking at the pictures it looks like she's had this for a while. 

I probably haven't been keeping up with water changes enough. I've already started the meds so I'm going to finish the full round. Then do more regular water changes.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 10/7/2023 at 9:41 PM, Schuyler said:

This morning I took some pictures to try and submit for the aquarium club's monthly photo contest.


I don't think I mentioned but this picture ended up winning the photo contest.

I used a portion of the gift card prize to buy a pair of American flagfish from an LFS. They've been quarantining for about a week now and seem to be perking up and eating more. They're still pretty shy so no pictures yet.

I put the spawning spot in their tank again and the male seemed pretty excited and started digging around right away


It wasn't too long before they were spawning


I took some time off around Christmas and during that time I was able to rearrange things to make space for a 20 long:



Things aren't totally finalized yet though.

I have a few different options in considering:

1) Get some type of dwarf cichlid that likes coconut huts (my son likes making them so we have quite a few)

2) Set up a mini fry grow out system

3) Move pygmy corys from another tank and attempt to breed them in here

4) Do a botanical heavy clown killi tank and try to breed them

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On 12/29/2023 at 6:32 AM, GoofyGarra said:

after seeing adorable pygmy cories at my LFS this option has my vote

I think I'm leaning towards them right now. I already have them and there is a place to put them afterward.

Another option could be to try breeding sparkling gourami. Maybe not in the 20 though that's a bit excessive.

Here's one of the males:


And the female which was being a bit more shy so I couldn't get a great picture to show the difference:



Sad news is that after two rounds of antibiotics she still has that on her mouth and it seems like it's spreading. She still eats vigorously but she has been acting a bit lethargic. I did do salt with the water change and I'm going to try giving her kanaplex to see if that works.


More disappointing news... I don't see any fry and I can't find any eggs on the mop. Not totally sure what happened.

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On 12/31/2023 at 7:42 AM, Schuyler said:

I think I'm leaning towards them right now. I already have them and there is a place to put them afterward.

Another option could be to try breeding sparkling gourami. Maybe not in the 20 though that's a bit excessive.

Here's one of the males:


And the female which was being a bit more shy so I couldn't get a great picture to show the difference:



Sad news is that after two rounds of antibiotics she still has that on her mouth and it seems like it's spreading. She still eats vigorously but she has been acting a bit lethargic. I did do salt with the water change and I'm going to try giving her kanaplex to see if that works.


More disappointing news... I don't see any fry and I can't find any eggs on the mop. Not totally sure what happened.

It's difficult to see in the picture what's going with the mouth does it have a fuzzy appearance is there a lump

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On 12/31/2023 at 9:01 AM, Colu said:

It's difficult to see in the picture what's going with the mouth does it have a fuzzy appearance is there a lump

Fuzz. It started as a spot at the tip of her bottom lip and has slowly spread over the last month and a half. Occasionally there are dangling pieces and a redness around it.

This was it a few weeks ago

On 12/18/2023 at 10:13 PM, Schuyler said:

The female Aphyosemion Ocellatum has a small growth on her lower jaw. I thought it was just her coloration but it has started to grow.




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On 12/31/2023 at 5:35 PM, Schuyler said:

Fuzz. It started as a spot at the tip of her bottom lip and has slowly spread over the last month and a half. Occasionally there are dangling pieces and a redness around it.

This was it a few weeks ago


What I would suggest is treating with maracyn2 active ingredient minocycline has anti-inflammatory properties and add a dose of  ick x and let it marinate while your treating with Maracyn2 

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Maybe it's just wishful thinking but it seems like her lip is looking better. It's not as fuzzy and almost looks like it healed over? I'm going to hold off on treating with the kanaplex I just got (I couldn't find Maracyn 2)

But the the tank over, the small male Nothobranchius Eggersi is pretty beat up and in rough shape. It looks like he's developed popeye. He's been moved to a shoe box with moss and a filter for treatment and to give him a break.

The female is reaching guppy levels of round:


I'm pretty sure she's just really full of eggs but I'm going to keep an extra close eye on her. Their tank also got a water change (with a pinch of salt).

On Jan 1st, I started my last bag of Nothobranchius Guentheri eggs. I figured that would make it really easy to render how old they are. There were roughly 10-20 fry but this was a second wetting and the eggs are pretty old so I'm not sure how strong the fry will be.

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An interesting thing happened today. When I feed white worms I'll pick them out of the culture, rinse them in a cup of aquarium water, and then use a pipette to feed them to the fish. Today I was feeding when my wife asked me to help her with something. I came back and am hour later to find that the worms were crawling up the pipette to get out of the water:


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On 1/6/2024 at 8:23 AM, Schuyler said:

An interesting thing happened today. When I feed white worms I'll pick them out of the culture, rinse them in a cup of aquarium water, and then use a pipette to feed them to the fish. Today I was feeding when my wife asked me to help her with something. I came back and am hour later to find that the worms were crawling up the pipette to get out of the water:


Quite useful for the lazy fish keeper…😅

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I added the mop in to there tank last night. They were very interested in it but their first thought was that it was food. They all took are least one bite at it.

There weren't any eggs in the morning and no real signs of spawning behavior. Maybe they haven't fully matured yet.

One of my favorite cooking YouTubers recently revealed that he's a fish nerd too and has started doing aquarium related videos. He has one aquarium that's a river bank using insulation foam with a river running across the top. It's really cool because he has vampire crabs on top and it's like a floating island:

But I'm tempted to try something similar but I don't have a fully formed idea yet...

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Got a good look at her today and she's not looking great.



The red color was from a lid I put on top of the tank to sink the lights for her.

My next move will be to separate her for a bit and clean out the aquarium some more.

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The male has been moved to an empty tank to give her some space. While cleaning this little one popped out:


They actually spawned! So it probably was spawning aggression that injured her mouth. I had ruled that out because they didn't really seem like they were spawning.

I'm not sure how many there are, it could be just the one. Now the question is if the fry should be left alone it separated.

Just when I was feeling like a complete failure.

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She is doing much better now so I decided to move the male back in and add spawning mops. While pulling the moss out I noticed a fry dart out. So I grabbed the turkey baster but as I looked for that fry I had seen I noticed two more in a different place. In all there were six fry of various sizes:


I fed them a little bit of grindal worms and micro worms. Here is a video of one of them attempting to hunt for a small ostracod or something:

One all the fry were collected I moved all the moss out so that they would use the spawning mops. As soon as I put him back in she was attempting to spawn but he was completely ignoring her:


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Well they spawned! My wife and I picked 4 eggs from the mops. It seems like they have a preference towards bottom mops. Three of the eggs were on the sinking mop and the one on the other mop was in the section near the bottom.


I put them in a cup of water with a bit of methylene blue to see if they're viable

Edited by Schuyler
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Two of the eggs seen to have melted away but the two remaining haven't turned blue so I'm guessing that means they are viable.

I had a bit of a mishap. I put all of the fry in a deli cup so that I could feed them easier. They were floating in a 10 gallon tank but tonight when I went to check on them the cup has tipped slightly and they were all about to escape.

The good news is that the tank doesn't have any fish that will eat them. The bad news is that they are going to be almost impossible to find without tearing apart the tank.

Tomorrow is water change day, I'll look for them then.

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On 1/20/2024 at 5:52 AM, jwcarlson said:

Good luck playing hide-and-seek, @Schuyler!

I pulled the plants out and then four of them were obviously visible. It took forever but I caught one. Then I realized the tank was full of tiny scuds and other tiny critters.

So I changed plans. The parents were moved to the but tank. That way they have more space and the fry can eat the small critters.

I picked the mops and found three more eggs. That will be the last time using mops for a while. I'm going to stick with colony breeding for now.


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On 1/4/2024 at 11:17 PM, Schuyler said:

But the the tank over, the small male Nothobranchius Eggersi is pretty beat up and in rough shape. It looks like he's developed popeye. He's been moved to a shoe box with moss and a filter for treatment and to give him a break.

The female is reaching guppy levels of round:


I'm pretty sure she's just really full of eggs but I'm going to keep an extra close eye on her. Their tank also got a water change (with a pinch of salt).

Good news, bad news...

The male seems to be doing better but the female has developed severe popeye in one eye and I suspect that she may have kidney failure.

She seems happy enough right now. She is still eating and coming out to beg for food. Hopefully more water changes and some salts will help but so far meds don't seem to be having much impact on her eye. It wasn't until today that I put together the bloating with the popeye that it could be kidney failure.


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Feeding some brine shrimp

It's a bit tricky to see but the is a belly full of brine shrimp there up near the top:


I have some of them in this floating deli cup. Every day I dump roughly half of the water back into the tank and replace it with me water from the tank.

The arm on my 3D printer breeder box is broken and I'm waiting for my next visit to my parents for my dad to print a new one.

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