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How to handle adding fish to new tank


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I’m looking to set up a new 40g breeder that is going to have a kribensis pair and  anywhere from 15-20 tiger barbs. 

I have a single tiger barb that killed an entire group of 10 other barbs when I got them all at once, who is the reason for setting up this new tank. I can only get smaller sized tiger barbs from my LFS and the aggressive one is full grown.

With that being said would I need to grow out my smaller barbs and then add the mature barb or could I add them all together so they can set up a hierarchy together ? 

any help with the topic would be appreciated. 

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@Fish Folk @lefty o 

With that being said, it seems like I shouldn’t even gamble on tiger barbs. Assuming I can give my murderer to LFS, what do you believe the likelihood is of pulling another psychopath barb?

Also how should i go about asking the LFS to take the barb? Is it bad form to do so, and what should be disclosed to them ? The stocking of the tank / nature of the fish? 

Thank you for the responses! 

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On 7/27/2023 at 4:14 PM, Lvkas said:

@Fish Folk @lefty o 

With that being said, it seems like I shouldn’t even gamble on tiger barbs. Assuming I can give my murderer to LFS, what do you believe the likelihood is of pulling another psychopath barb?

Also how should i go about asking the LFS to take the barb? Is it bad form to do so, and what should be disclosed to them ? The stocking of the tank / nature of the fish? 

Thank you for the responses! 

Depends entirely on the nature of your relationship. Start with, “I have a single Tiger Barb, and am wondering if you could help find him a new home?”

I know my LFS well, and might share my whole story.

We bred Kribs in a 20-long using Brilliant Rasboras as dithers. Worked great…

BAP report video…

Krib fry growing out…


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