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My fish looks like it has two mouths ????


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I got a new Congo Tetra yesterday and I noticed something weird about his mouth. It almost looks like he has two mouths? Is this a disease or an injury? 


My water parameters are as follows: 

pH: 7.0 

Ammonia: 0ppm

Nitrite: 0ppm 

Nitrate: 5ppm 

GH: 8 degrees 

I can’t find my KH test bottle so I’m not sure how accurate this is but the API test strip I do have says 40ppm for KH. For all the other tests, I used the API Freshwater Master Test Kit. 


Is salt the best course of action for this?



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That seriously does look like a bit of deformity.  I feel bad for the fish, because if this is true it didn't grow up properly due to genes or developmental issues.  😞

I can see the two mouths and two "chins" and what you'll usually see in the case of a deformity is one of the "mouths" being the dominant one.  I don't know if it's something on video (in person) where you see both of the "mouths" trying to eat or chewing or anything like that.

Welcome to the forums though, happy to have you here!

On 7/19/2023 at 5:25 PM, suurrruuh said:

I got a new Congo Tetra yesterday and I noticed something weird about his mouth.

Perhaps the store will replace it for you?

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