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Weird growths on swordtail


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Looking for some insight. What is this? I think she has had it for a minute, but earlier this week  I found her hiding I. The back corner of the tank and I got really concerned. Found these growth like things on her. I treated with paracleanse. Currently on day 4 of a paracleanse treatment and she is much happier, swimming around and eating. She still has a could have these growths on her and I’m concerned my paracleanse treatment didn’t fully kick the issue. Does anyone know what this is? Should I repeat my paracleanse treatment, switch over to kanaplex, or try prazi pro? Thanks I’m advance.




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So the fuzzy thing looks like a fungal infection on the wound. (Salt+ich-x for that)

The tail rot issue and general fin stuff you should be able to get away with a decent dose of salt to clear that, but it's extremely likely....if things get any worse.... That you'd be reaching for a gram negative antibacterial medication like kanaplex or neoplex. I mention this only in the case you need to order some in.

I like @Beardedbillygoat1975 guideline of using the meds above plus oxygenation!

For a non-medicated dose, if that is something you want to start with, you can try catappa leaves (or alder cones) with salt (1/3-cup per 10G) and see if that cures anything. Reminder that some plants don't like salt!

Given the fuzz and the fins I think doing a round with the above 2 items as well as ich-x, paracleanse, and your bacterial medication. There should be no real issues with doing those at the same time apart from the directions discrepancy between paracleanse and/or the bacterial medication.  You might need to water change on one day when the other days not to, etc.

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It has an under gravel filter with two outlets so I think the oxygenation is oK. This is really helpful. The paracleanse course is done today and I am going to do a water change and add some salt and ich x. She seems to be acting ok. So I’ll try Ich x and salt this week and then if things aren’t cleared up I’ll try the kanaplex

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Reporting back here. I did salt and Ich-X for 4 treatments, and she started to improve a bit but really really slowly. I think it was honestly all the water changes that come with Ich-X treatment that helped her out here. I then switched tachtics and dosed the kanaplex. 4 days later she is doing amazing. The growths have almost all gone, the fins are still a little tattered but noticeably better, and she is swimming around better than I have seen her since I got her. I don’t think she is fully over it yet and I will need to eat her her carefully and maybe do another dose of kanaplex, but, she is feeling so much better that she dropped fry yesterday. They are soooo tiny. I have seen 2 at least so I’m hoping they are stout enough to endure the antibiotics. If not at least I know this pair will breed and mom is on the mend! Very happy with this.

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