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180 gallon update…


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A little over 6 months back, I purchased a used 180 gallon. I resealed it, sanded and repainted the stand, and spray painted the background and bottom black. It has been running with no issues whatsoever. It is actually my easiest aquarium maintenance wise. The stocking I decided to go with is:

1 Blue Pinoy Paraiba Angelfish

7 Geophagus Pyrocephalus

1 Albino Geophagus Pyrocephalus

6 males, 7 females Congo Tetra

7 Denison Barb

1 Gold Denison Barb

9 Rainbow shiners

1 Long Fin Green Dragon Bristlenose pleco

I was going to add an Oscar, but decided to go with a school of rainbow shiners instead. In the future, I plan to add 3 albino Congo tetras. Since it is a sand bottom, my plant options are limited so I went with random anubias, Java fern, and Val. Hopefully the Val takes over and the geo’s haven’t uprooted any of it as of yet. A pair of geo’s have formed and laid eggs, but by the next morning they were gone. My assumption was the pleco saw it as an easy caviar meal. I have no plans to breed them so it’s all good with me. Here are some photos and I’ll also add some photos of the 75 gallon shellie tank and my 75 gallon jungle tank. Hope all is well y’all. 






Edited by mynameisnobody
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@nabokovfan87 I just got super annoyed at the mess that the PSO was creating so I pulled it out and replaced it with a bunch of dwarf sag I had on hand. That stuff will take over like nothing I’ve seen. The epiphytes are basically the only plant that can be used with geo’s, they’ll uproot everything. Luckily it’s worked out thus far. 

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On 6/30/2023 at 5:01 AM, mynameisnobody said:

@nabokovfan87 I just got super annoyed at the mess that the PSO was creating so I pulled it out and replaced it with a bunch of dwarf sag I had on hand.

I would love for the Co-op to switch from the craziness of PSO and sell the PSE version of the plant. (erectus) it's just a bit less overbearing!

When I did the same thing my tank was in the middle of revolting on me, crashed, and all the plants died on me except the Anubias.

I've learned a lot since then, controlling PSO from trying to turn into a tree is not a skill I have yet though! 😂

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@nabokovfan87 It’s smart business to sell PSO because it’ll make a beginner feel like they can grow anything. With that said, I agree Erectus would be awesome, but probably can’t be bought in the volume they would need to make it viable or even profitable. I ripped it out 2 days ago and no crash or even change in water parameters. There are a ton of other plants in there but they were just covered up with the PSO. 

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