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Fin Rot?


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Hi there, 

I’m very very new to the aquarium world, and already terribly overwhelmed. My son has one small goldfish (Rocket) who is so very fond of. Unfortunately Rocket developed a case of fin rot almost immediately after we got him. We bought him for 25 cents at our local grocery store, and he came from very crowded conditions and was among other ill fish (I didn’t know that at the time, but since researching more I realize now.) 

We treated him with aquarium salt at a level one dosage (all we have available). He looked so much better after 5 days! So I did a 30% water change without redosing the salt.  A few hours later we had a sudden bacterial bloom, and I noticed a small black spot on Rocket’s fin. I have read mixed things online (black spots are disease; black spots are healing; everything in between) Something just felt off—so I redosed the salt. The bacterial bloom is gone, but now Rocket’s fins are covered in small black spots and streaks. I also noticed a small black spot on his belly. 

I have been fussing over this poor fish so much. I check his tank parameters at least 2 times a day, and they have been perfect every time. I do water changes every IMG_9646.jpeg.4df087a38852a29b00fedd351fe41272.jpegother day just to try to keep things under control. He is eating and moving well still. 

To complicate things further, Rocket sits opposite a window, and I was noticing that his tank seemed to be a little warm with all the extra sunshine. So I started to close the blinds when the sun was shining through the window. I did this for a few days in a row, and everyday since I have stopped has been gloomy. With the crazy amount of research I have done, I have read goldfish can turn black when they are kept in the dark. 

I am so confused. He is in a small hospital tank right now while I try to get everything under control. I’m a chronic fusser over my animals and children, and I have a seemingly insatiable need to nurture. Please don’t shame me if I am doing something wrong! I am worrying so much already, as I feel so guilty all of this is even happening. 


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Ammonia: 0

Nitrite: 0

Nitrate: 0

PH: 7.8 (it comes right out of our tap like that. I was told not to chase a lower PH because it just adds stress for the fish. Is that true?) 

Temperature: Room temperature. Roughly 68 degrees. 

Edited by Ronnie
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Your water parameters are fine the black in his fins and body can be caused by ammonia burn could have happened at the store before you got him the best thing for ammonia burn is to keep stable water parameters and I would leave the aquarium salt at 1 table spoon for 3 gallons for another week  Have you been adding a water dechlorinator like prime when doing water change if not the chlorine in tap water damages the slime coat of your fish and can burn there Gill's his fins don't look bad no redding or white edges to the fins I think the ammonia burn was the initial cause I would just monitor for the next week and update after one week or before then if you notice any deterioration @Ronnie

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@Colu Thank you so much for the advice! Yes, we do add dechlorinator every time we add fresh water. I didn’t realize those burns could show up so much later! We got him over a week ago now. Does the black mean that it is healing? 

Thank you again!!

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On 5/8/2023 at 11:12 AM, Ronnie said:

@Colu Thank you so much for the advice! Yes, we do add dechlorinator every time we add fresh water. I didn’t realize those burns could show up so much later! We got him over a week ago now. Does the black mean that it is healing? 

Thank you again!!

It's a sign that it's starting to heal will go all together give time  

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@Colu I feel like the black might be fading a little, but his tail looks a little rough and fuzzy on the tips. I tried to get a good picture, but he’s just so fast! I did a 30% water change this AM as I normally would (and maintained the salt level by adding back the proportionate amount). Water parameters are the same as above. Should I just continue to wait and monitor him? 

(Picture was taken during a water change. That’s why the water is low and murky looking!) 



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On 5/8/2023 at 1:30 PM, Ronnie said:

It’s hard for me to decide! Maybe that’s a sign I’m overthinking it. 😂IMG_9668.jpeg.90798f659b0c959a89d252855e2c9608.jpeg

That doesn't look like a fungal infections I think it's just fin regrowth keep the salt in another week and you should be fine 

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I dont know what size tank you have him in, but common one tail goldfish like that need a minimum of 75-100 gallons per fish, or they will get stunted. they really do best in ponds. 

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On 5/8/2023 at 11:34 AM, Ronnie said:

@Sora Yes, thank you! He is in a slightly smaller tank temporarily to isolate him from the main tank. Hoping to keep that tank disease free!  

sorry just a lot of people dont know about goldfish size etc. you seem like your doing a great job with your goldie!

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@Colu You we’re right! That was new fin growth. His tail is getting bigger and more “billowy” than I have ever seen. I just did a 30% water change and didn’t replace the salt. Hopefully he adjusts well! Thanks again for all of your advice! 

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