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Fin rot or tail biting?


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A bit of a newbie here!

I have one betta in a 10g tank with one nerite snail. The tank is heated (76F) and has plenty of live plants. I noticed about a week ago that my betta has a few spots in his tail that look a little rough. I can’t tell if they’re chunks taken out by biting or fin rot. Water parameters are normal (Ammonia 0ppm, Nitrite 0ppm, Nitrate 30ppm) and water changes once a week. He cycles between Xtreme Betta Pellets, Hikari Vibra Bites and Freeze Dried Bloodworms. I’ve had him 5 months now and no problems until this. 
Do you guys think this is fin rot or tail biting?

I can provide more pics if needed. Tank light was off at the time😂

Please and thank you!!





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Hi again - 

my bettas fins began looking a little more rough (not sure if he was biting his tail or if it really was fin rot) but I did a full dose of maracyn (per the instructions on the box) just to be safe. Just barely finished that course a day or two ago and within the last few days his tail has gotten worse 😞 The water is still clean (parameters are great) and I can't find anything that would be causing him large amounts of stress.

Should I dose maracyn again or try aquarium salt? Maybe some catappa leaves?






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On 5/26/2023 at 7:46 PM, Emry E said:

Hi again - 

my bettas fins began looking a little more rough (not sure if he was biting his tail or if it really was fin rot) but I did a full dose of maracyn (per the instructions on the box) just to be safe. Just barely finished that course a day or two ago and within the last few days his tail has gotten worse 😞 The water is still clean (parameters are great) and I can't find anything that would be causing him large amounts of stress.

Should I dose maracyn again or try aquarium salt? Maybe some catappa leaves?






Am not seeing any redding to the fins the white clear tips to his fins can be a sign there starting to heal most cases of fin rot are caused by gram negative bacteria maracyn predominantly treats gram positive and some gram negative kanaplex is a more broad spectrum antibiotic treatment what I would do is add catappa leaves and a small amount of aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 5 gallons at that level it shouldn't harm your plants for a week if they start develope redding to the edges of the fin or start to recede more than I would do a course of kanaplex 

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On 5/26/2023 at 8:13 PM, Colu said:


I’ve got a similar issue. I completed a course of Maracyn. It did nothing. I let him rest a few days and did water changes and started him on Kanaplex. I am seeing improvement and regrowth with the Kanaplex. See the edges that are clearish. That is new growth. @Emry E

Also if you can give your fish a high resting place like a betta leaf or a floating log, it may help as well. If he is biting at all, it might be because his fins feel heavy, but bettas do like to be near the top so they can breathe air at the surface periodically.


Edited by Chick-In-Of-TheSea
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Thank you both! I heard about kanaplex but thought I'd try Maracyn first because that's what the Co-op recommended. 

I picked up some salt today and I'll try to get some catappa leaves soon. And sorry, this is a newb question😂 but how often should I dose the salt? Just after every water change correct? And should I do more frequent water changes now?

Also, my nerite snail should be ok with the low dosage of salt, right?

If the salt and catappa leaves don't help I'll start a course of kanaplex. 🙂


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On 5/27/2023 at 5:07 PM, Emry E said:

Thank you both! I heard about kanaplex but thought I'd try Maracyn first because that's what the Co-op recommended. 

I picked up some salt today and I'll try to get some catappa leaves soon. And sorry, this is a newb question😂 but how often should I dose the salt? Just after every water change correct? And should I do more frequent water changes now?

Also, my nerite snail should be ok with the low dosage of salt, right?

If the salt and catappa leaves don't help I'll start a course of kanaplex. 🙂


After every water change, yes. Just the portion you removed. So if you were dosing 1 Tbsp per 3 gallon and you change 3 gallon water, dose that Tbsp back (for example). Nerites like salt. They come from brackish water. 

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I think I'm going to order some kanaplex soon. The salt hasn't seemed to do much and some of the tips on his tail are starting to turn reddish and die off 😞 

With the kanaplex, do I need to set up a hospital tank or is it ok to dose straight into the tank? (with the plants and nerite)

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