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How to start a tank journal


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Do whatever you like! I have many(see links in my signature). Just start one… “New Tank Journal” or whatever you like under The Journals subforum, and link in your signature:

Account > Account Settings > Settings Area > Signature

Add to your journal whenever you like. Some folks might follow for awhile. Eventually… people aren’t terribly interested in chasing down a really long thread. Personally, I post for archival purposes. I can go pull back posts to help others, or refer for memory, etc.

You can post a certain ending in the URL that keeps your journal at the most recent comment / post rather than always linking to the beginning  of your journal:


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So to start a journal you post in the forum section of "Photos, Videos and Journals"? 

Under profile, What is "Public message on your own feed"? And under "Images" I have none, why? How do you upload a video? Do I have to upload to my YouTube then link the url?


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