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One of the White Cloud minnows purchased yesterday. Any ideas?


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https://giphy.com/gifs/PMIhIjQGhawGOcw8ps - GIF provided so you can see what he looks like. Hope the quality is acceptable.


This fish came to me like this. I put him and the other ten minnows I purchased into a 5 gallon bucket with some Seachem Polyguard; going to return them to the store within a couple days, I hope. They all have some problems; several are visibly ill.

I just took this video because I've literally never seen anything like this before. Asking more out of curiosity than a genuine need for help, although if you've had a fish that looks like this, feel free to comment how you dealt with it. It looks like his lower jaw is literally falling off. He is darker than the rest of the fish; barely moves, just sort of wiggling his tail. He looks so miserable I think it'd be best to euthanize. There's no way for me to treat this, either... all I have are the aforementioned Polyguard and some Maracyn 1 & 2.

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Hello all; my apologies for forgetting about this post until today. I did euthanize the minnow with clove oil. Couldn't get a very good look at his mouth after he passed away. 

After about three days in my home, the remaining nine minnows having been placed into a 5 gallon bucket and treated with Seachem PolyGuard as a precaution, I returned them to the store. Two of the minnows, likely those in the worst condition (6 or 7 had visible signs of illness; a few had cottony or fleshy growths/wounds on their mouths, two had points in their stomachs and one of these was pooping what looked to be red worms. A few others had small deformities from what I could tell), passed away one night without my knowledge. I performed a 40-50% water change daily, as the bucket had no filter. 

When I returned the living fish and brought the three deceased ones in a separate container, the employee I spoke to couldn't see anything visually wrong with them other than their stress level (they were pale from being moved, the meds and/or waste levels). This was odd, as I could clearly see them in my tank and could tell they were a little off. She did refund me $20 despite this. Anyway, as much as I love my LFS, I probably won't be getting WCMM from them again; the ones I got from PetsMart were shockingly healthy and half the price.

@Miska - Hope you're successful in your search! They seem to be out of stock in a lot of online stores. Another beautiful variety I saw was the yellowfin, aka. Hong Kong. 

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On 3/25/2023 at 9:11 PM, Miska said:

@WhitecloudDynasty Might you have an idea?


I am so sorry, @cinnanoodles. That is really really sad. We are trying to acquire Long Fin White Cloud Mountain Minnows (Me and my bestie, Elodie). I feel for you as you are figuring out yours! ❤️ Will you try to source them somewhere else?

I believe Dan's on getgills got some longfin right now..not sure on the quality tho

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