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Best Tank Size for Betta


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I'm trying to decide which tank size to go with for a single female betta.  Some people say 10, but others say that 10 gallons can feel too big to a betta.  I'd rather go bigger and have a more stable tank, but she seems so content.  Thoughts?

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On 3/16/2023 at 10:48 PM, Louise02 said:

I'm trying to decide which tank size to go with for a single female betta.  Some people say 10, but others say that 10 gallons can feel too big to a betta.  I'd rather go bigger and have a more stable tank, but she seems so content.  Thoughts?

If your going to keep a single betta with no tankmates, a 5 gallon is okay. But always shoot for bigger, a 10 gallon is sufficient for a single betta it doesn't really matter unless adding tankmates.

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You will get conflicting info. Imo it depends on the betta as well as if you plan for it to have tank mates. If you plan any more than a snail I would say go for 10. If it's a betta alone with a snail then 5 is fine.

In terms of smaller actually being better I think that depends on the betta. The reason smaller is sometimes better with bettas is because they get tired easily. We have line bred them to have long flowing fins that their body cannot support. They need breaks between swimming and can't always make it across a large tank. If you choose a longer finned betta, be aware of this. Wild type and shorter finned bettas don't have as much of an issue with this. Also keep this in mind when setting up the decor. Give them places to rest. Also keep it safe for their fins so they don't tear. If you get a crown tail this is EXTRA important as their fins catch VERY easily on thing. 

I leave you with pictures of the betta I got literally today in the cup and at home. 



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@Cinnebuns that's such a cool fish!

As she mentioned, long tailed versions mostly have more struggle with swimming. It can be tricky to find idea tankmates for bettas as their temperament change a lot.

For plakats, I would def go bigger. I would say 5g min for normals, ideally 10g. I wouldn't go less than 10g for plakats as they don't have swimming issues like those other fancy long tail long fin types

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