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Med Trio

CJs Aquatics

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Hey all, with the med trio, is it less effective letting them soak in it rather then doing the recommended water change daily and reading of full dosage of meds or the same? Second question can kanaplex be used with it safely or is it not recommended? Thanks in advanced

Redosing not reading***

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I’m lost @Colu I’ve been through so much in my fish keeping journey but I was not prepared for tonight’s adventure. I left for the day for a family gathering, before I left a tank was fine, when I got home, a pet fish has one of his eyes completely clouded over. Tested the water and checked the equipment everything seemed normal. No signs of fighting with the other inhabitants, literally nothing has changed except foods. I gravel vac’d up debris, added in the dechlorinated water to fill it back up, then hit the tank with the med trio bc I don’t know what else to do. Over the course of 6-8 hrs a fish went from completely 100% healthy to one eye looking blind and some apparent cloudiness starting in the other one. I had some kana on the way for another issue and to just restock I just don’t know what direction to take I guess bc I don’t know the cause. Best honest guess, another fish had a mark from sparing, perhaps sent out an infection to this one? I added vitachem in case it was a deficiency and the med trio, is there anything else i can do?

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For a clouded eye, I'd only be doing maracyn. The tendency to over engage with our fish tank is high. Like vitachem, if you have a broken arm, trying to make up for a poor diet the past 6 months won't do much. You've identified a cloudy eye, most often an antibiotic will cure that. Possibly the ich x would help also, the paracleanse was uneeded for this. This is assuming it's been diagnosed correctly which is usually true as a cloudy eye is relatively easy to identify. If I owned this fish and had the med trio in there, I'd probalby just do nothing except feed the tank like normal all week and look for signs of it getting better or worse. You could dose and water change every day the maracyn, in my experience I get the same result either way with fish in my care.

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