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SandBKeeper's Aquatic Adventures


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On 2/20/2023 at 7:00 PM, Fish Folk said:

I’ve built this:


THIS IS SO COOL! I love the pothos, that's a great idea. I want something like this. I have a lot of plastic jugs that I probably could use, just need to figure out heating, lighting, and shelving. How did you heat all those containers?

On 2/20/2023 at 7:00 PM, Fish Folk said:

But before you reach this stage, you need a plan before that for growing out fry until they start sparring. A 20-gal long is reasonably good.

Working on getting that set up!


On 2/20/2023 at 7:00 PM, Fish Folk said:

For breeding, I like to use a 6-8 inch deep Sterilite plastic container that is about 24-inches square. I fill with cycled water, java moss, and several floating Catappa leaves (or clean, dry oak leaves). I add clean, cycled tank water at about 7.0 pH. I also add blackwater extract.

Male goes in, and then a clear sleeve that will protect the female. Female goes into the sleeve. Male builds bubble nest. Once female displays vertical bars and male has built a nice nest, remove the sleeve and allow them 48-72 hrs, no food, keep lights on low. Water temp should be around 80-F.

Thanks for the advice. My tap water is usually at around 7.4-7.6, but I do have an ro system. Do you think I should use ro water or tap or a mix of both?


On 2/21/2023 at 1:16 AM, TheSwissAquarist said:

Condition bettas well, and introduce them to each other on a regular basis until they spawn. Fry need infusoria or some other small food. 

Yep, I've started a blackworm culture for conditioning and an infusoria one for the fry. I'll try to get vinegar eels going before I try and spawn. The pair is currently living in a divided tank with some slits so they can see each other but not all the time and they can't hurt each other. The female seems very ready to breed already (ovipositor it out all the time), and the male has started to build small bubble nests. So exciting!





Other updates: (warning, photo dump ahead!)

The honey gouramis continue to be confusing. Last night, I saw the male and the more dominant/less striped female either fighting or trying to breed. This morning, there was a really small attempt at a bubble nest. Image



Stripy female


Male and less stripy female

Baby pencilfish are still doing well. I caught three/four in one picture!



Schooling with the rasboras


This is what the 20gal looks like now


Pygmy cory swimming


And random snowball shrimp pic

Have a good day!

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On 2/21/2023 at 9:07 AM, SandBkeeper said:

How did you heat all those containers?

I laid a heat strip similar to what’s used for reptiles beneath the jugs. This video shows Killifish hatching (see photo of adults below)…

Here’s what these Killis look like as adults…



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If you haven't seen, I think I have a rummynose tetra with swim bladder 😢 Here is a link to that thread. 

 Other than that, there aren't too many changes. I'm working on my plan for breeding the bettas, which is as follows. 

1. Honey gouramis move out of 10 gal

2. take apart 10 gal and set up for spawning bettas

3. condition bettas/spawn bettas

4. growout bettas for 1-2 weeks in 10 gal

5. transfer fry to bigger tank (working on getting that)

6. separate males when they get too big

My plan for the fry is to sell some to an lfs near me and rehome some on kijiji. 

Things I need to do to get ready for bettas

- get a big growout tank

- set up jar system 

I found some plastic jugs I think would work for a set-up. They hold about 1 gallon of water and I can easily put substrate, plants, and other stuff in them. Now just to get the shelf, heating equipment, lights, and drain system!

- prepare live food cultures/bbs hatchery

I thinking of getting the bbs hatchery set up either this weekend or next, so I can try to feed some to the baby pencilfish and rasboras. Any tips/recommendations for bbs?

I'm really in need to place an aquarium co-op order. There are so many things I want to get! Easy green, test strips, airline tubing... the list goes on and on. What's your favourite ACO product you think I should get?

Other than that, have a good day!


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On 2/22/2023 at 1:36 PM, SandBkeeper said:

I'm really in need to place an aquarium co-op order. There are so many things I want to get! Easy green, test strips, airline tubing... the list goes on and on. What's your favourite ACO product you think I should get?

What do you already have??

Salt is a big one
Specimen Container
Ich-X + Dosing glass
Plants / Marimo ball
Easy Green / Easy Iron (Iron if your PH is above 7, especially high 7's)
Xtreme flakes (community blend)
Repashy (all of the repashy)

Edited by nabokovfan87
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Haven't updated in few days, but here's what's been happening

The sick rummynose got better! I fed the tank some peas and the next day they returned to normal. 

27.5 gal aquascape is almost ready for fish. Tested in this weekend and Ammonia = 0, Nitrites=0 and nitrates =80. Nitrates are a bit high, but I did a water change and the tank should be ready for the gouramis in about a week. Yay!

Other than that, not many more updates. Didn't get the chance to start brine shrimp this weekend, but I have a plan now that should be pretty easy. I plan on following Keeping Fish Simple's brine shrimp hatchery, has anyone else tried it? I just need to figure out how to keep it heated...

Have a good day!

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A few days ago I moved the honey gouramis to their new tank. I decided to move only the more dominant female and male, to give the less dominant female some room to breathe. By the way, their names are now Pineapple, Daffodil, and Sunshine. I went on a naming spree and also named the bettas Saint and Robin. 

Other very exciting news, I'VE STARTED A FISH ROOM!!!!!!!!

Moved a lot of stuff out of the laundry room, and I now have room for more tanks. Yay! 

My plan is as follows:

A 36" x 24" x 72" rack with

- 1 50 gallon (for growing out fish, particularly the bettas that I could have soon)

- 4 20 gallon high tanks

- 2 10 gallon tanks

With this I'll be able to expand my fish breeding and hopefully have some tanks dedicated for pencilfish, and hopefully some new projects!

So excited and I'll post some pictures later. 

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Got my rack in! It's an industrial wire rack, rated for about 800 pounds per shelf. That should be enough for the tanks I plan to put on it. 


I plan on putting a 40 breeder on the bottom, 2 20s and a 10 on the middle, and 3 10s on the second highest. The very top will hold my RO unit, and some food cultures and stuff like that. 

Next I just need to get the tanks and parts for the water change system...

Other updates: 

A pencilfish died today 😢. I have no idea what happened to him. 

Other than that, everything is going swimmingly here. Betta breeding countdown: about two weeks before I can try to spawn!

Have a good day!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry for the late updates!

Moved the gouramis around. The two females are now together in the 27.5 gal, and the male is in the 60 gal community. He was harassing the female far too much for my liking, so he's going to hang out with some other fish until I can get him his own 10 gal. 

The bettas are almost ready to be bred. I have almost everything set up for spawning! Here's my set-up so far


I'm setting up the heater right now, so don't worry about the temperature. My aim is for 80-82, so it's a bit high right now. 

It's a 5 gallon tank with a few inches of water. I have an old vase for separating the male and female at first, some pelia moss, IAL, and water lettuce. I filled it with half dechlorinated tap water and half ro water, and will take some tank water from the betta's current tank to fill it up a little more. 

Once the fry are free swimming I'll add a small sponge filter from an already established tank.  

My aim it to introduce them tomorrow and release them on Wednesday. The pair have seen each other before and after that, when I put the female back into her side of the tank, she released some eggs! That was on the weekend, so I hope that she has a ton for breeding! 

Wish me luck in breeding!

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Sorry haven't had much time to update, but the bettas spawned!!!!!!!! SO excited. Introduced them on Tuesday, Wednesday I released but separated again because I thought there was too much chasing. I added more plants for hiding spots, and thursday I left them together. Today I saw eggs in the bubble nest!! I've taken the female out and put her in a 10 gal. She didn't sustain too many injuries, just some torn fins that will hopefully re-grow soon. The male seems very attentive to his bubble nest, and hopefully in a few days we have fry! 


I plan on feeding the fry boiled egg yolk and infusoria, then later on vinegar eels and BBS. That's if the male doesn't eat the eggs....


In other news, the rack is finally getting some tanks. I'm picking up some used 10g this weekend. 


Have a good day!

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  • 2 weeks later...


The male did end up eating some of the eggs. I caught him in the act, panicked, and took him out. The fry hatched the next day, and I added some snails and shrimp to help with cleaning up and fungus/mold. 

I let the fry get to free swimming stage, then started feeding with infusoria. I think at this point I had around 50-75. I also added a light and a small cycled sponge filter

A few days later I did my first water change, I drained some water then filled it back up with some water from a different tank. 

After that, continued to feed with infusoria and boiled egg yolk. 

Then, on Thursday, disaster. I did a small water change, and was siphoning water back into the tank. It was going so slowly, so I left it and left the house to do some errands. BAD MISTAKE. I came back, and the small 5 gallon tank over flowed. Spent the next while cleaning it up, and when I went to feed the bettas later, I realized that most of the fry must have overflowed and were now gone. 😭 

So, now I have about 10-15 fry left. They are doing really well, but I'm very sad that I lost so many due to a stupid mistake. 

Fish Room updates:

- got almost all the tanks in

- setting up sponge filters, heaters, lights

- moved some plants in

- need to work on water change system soon


Other updates: 

I'm going back to the LFS that I got the parent bettas from this weekend, so I might be getting quite a lot of new fish to stock my tanks and start some new breeding projects!

Quick summary of what I have going on 

- Betta breeding (fry)

- Shrimp breeding (bloody mary shrimp, pumpkin shrimp, snowball shrimp)

- Pencilfish breeding (have some accidental fry growing, but will try to spawn the parents again soon)

- Bolivian rams, sterbai cories, honey gouramis, pygmy cories (growing out adults and will try to spawn in the future)


Possible future projects

- small dwarf rainbow fish

- I could try to breed the rummynose tetras and/or dwarf rasboras I have at the moment, but those fish I didn't get with the intention to breed

- wild bettas (channoidies, imbellis, etc. )

- killifish

- some rare/high quality strain of guppies

- more shrimp tanks


- medaka ricefish

- apistos/GBR


Sorry for the very long post, have a good day!

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  • 2 weeks later...


Today I moved the baby bettas from their 5 gal to a 10 gal. I have about 25, maybe more. Some of them are about 1/2" and others are a bit smaller. Hoping they grow more in the bigger tank. 


Last weekend I got more fish. 

- 11 kerri tetras

- 6 panda cories

- 1 pair of guppies


All of these fish are in quarantine at the moment and are going into the 27.5 gal with the exception of the guppies. 

Some fish have moved around, the female betta Robin is now living with the two female gouramis in the 27.5 gal. It's an all girls tank lol. 

Fish room is almost done, and it's being used as quarantine and baby rack. Still need to get the last lights and filters in then will post pics.

Anyway, here's a pic of the bettas when I was transferring. 


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