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New tank cleaning

Erik G

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I'm setting up a 75 gallon planted tank, and unlike my previous glass tanks I'm not able to give it a good wash (with Dawn) and rinse it out. The only option would be to do that outside with a hose, but that's not really an option with it below freezing outside. Any second-best options out there? I apologize if this has been asked before/common question.

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@Erik G If you want it look brand new, clean it with Barkeepers Friend, powder form. It’s plant based and harmless to any fish or plants. Obviously you want to rinse it out. I would use a yellow dish sponge to apply the powder and a yellow tile sponge saturated in water to rinse it. To get any water out of the aquarium, just fill the large tile sponge and release into a bucket. It’s a bit of effort, but I guarantee you won’t believe it’s not a new aquarium. I just did this very thing to a 180 gallon I picked up and although it was previously cleaned by the previous owner, it’s still a dramatic difference. Hope this helps

Edited by Mynameisnobody
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A good spray with hydrogen peroxide should break down any residue dust etc. let it sit for 10 minutes or so and dry with paper towels. No rinsing needed since hydrogen peroxide leaves zero chemical residue. It breaks apart to water. Congrats on the new tank. Looking forward to seeing it. 

Edited by Guppysnail
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