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Betta scales turning white???


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On Saturday or Sunday I noticed a little white spot on top of Charlie’s head, just behind his gills. I thought it was just a loose scale or that he maybe bumped his head (see first 2 pictures), but now it looks like it’s spreading…(see last 3 photos).

I have been keeping bettas for 3 1/2 years and am very dedicated to caring for my wet pets. I haven’t made any changes to his 10 gallon aquarium. He is the only fish in the aquarium, no snails or anything. He has 2 small sponge filters, 2 heaters (don’t ask), and several live plants, so the parameters stay healthy. I have never had any problems that way. The temperature varies from 80-82 degrees. My last water change was done on Monday (which he didn’t like, but I didn’t see him in a location where he could have gotten hurt). I’ve had him for just over 4 months. 

He’s acting normal: happy to see me, excited for food, occasional bubble nesting. He did rip a chunk out of his tail earlier this week and I thought that somehow during that he might have bumped his head (I had another betta who was constantly trimming his own fins, so I’ve seen that before). He has been growing, most notably his fins, but his body seems to have grown a bit too. 

I’ve been doing research, but I can’t seem to find anything that matches as far as illnesses/diseases go. I’ve been adding Seachem Stress Guard the last few days and I put fresh almond leaves in his tank on Monday when I changed the water in hopes that they would help. It’s not ich, it’s not fuzzy…. Does anybody have any ideas? I would really appreciate it!






Edited by BettaMamaPDJ
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Possibly the start of a  benign or cancerous growth they are really common in Bettas due to them being heavily inbreed also it's really common for Bettas to change colour as they get older as you have already added  Indian almond leaves I would also add some aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 3 gallons and  monitor for a week update if it starts to get worse in that time @BettaMamaPDJ

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Thanks! I had thought about the possibility of a benign growth (the betta who trimmed his own fins also developed one, though he still lived a fairly long life). I know that some bettas can change color, I just hadn’t heard that before with a mustard gas. I will keep an eye on him, and update as needed. Thanks again!

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