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Spotted Green Algae scraper

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I find that the magnetic ones work better on mineral deposits. The 125 turtle tank is about 80% full and mineral deposits are a constant problem. I use a long handled razor scraper for the algae. You can get them in varying lengths and other options such as retractable blades. 

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On 1/20/2023 at 11:50 AM, Ryan1988 said:

Hey All,

What would be the best scraper for spotted green algae on aquarium walls. Currently i'm using a gift card, at one point i bought one of those magnetic ones that seem popular from amazon, It didn't work well. 

You already have the best in the form of a credit / gift card. You might also want to get yourself a soap-less dish sponge.  Just becareful not to let sand/gravel get on it or you'll run the risk of scratching your tank.

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