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fast growing midground plant

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I was looking in my tank recently and i realized my midground was pretty bare, i have a few crypts in it, but they are small and slow growing. So i am looking for a good midground plant for my 20high tank. Im trying some elodea right now, so ill see how that does. After planting it wrong, and getting it small, i havent had luck with Vallisneria, so i will probably try again.I will definetly be making a trip to my LFS for some new plants this weekend, for some moss, and a good foreground plant.

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I'd give another vote for Dwarf sagarita and Dwarf chain sword.

Some others to consider are pearl weed and baby tears.

Lots of stem plants could also work, like water sprite, wisteria, and ludwigia, but you would have to trim them frequently to the desired size. 

Lastly larger rhizome plants don't grow quickly, but when I've gotten them they have started a decent size. If you attach them to a decoration, that also adds some height. Some that I've used for midground purposes: African water fern (my favorite if you can find it), anubias barteri and anubias hastifolia. Windelov Java fern is another one I've been meaning to try in the midground, but haven't yet. 

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On 1/20/2023 at 7:50 AM, Rube_Goldfish said:

If you're willing to "train" it red tiger lotus or dwarf aquarium lily can work in the midground.

Ive got a dwarf aquarium lily, im thinking about getting a second, as my current one is thriving in my tank, i guess they like my water.I currently have it in my background. Training it would be trimming it if it gets too tall?

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On 1/20/2023 at 9:04 AM, Theplatymaster said:

Ive got a dwarf aquarium lily, im thinking about getting a second, as my current one is thriving in my tank, i guess they like my water.I currently have it in my background. Training it would be trimming it if it gets too tall?

Yes, basically. I have a red tiger lotus, not a lily, but from what I understand it's basically the same principle: consistently trim any leaves/lily pads that go higher than whatever height you want, and eventually the plant "learns" to stop trying to go higher than that. My better half likes the lily pads, so I always leave at least one, so I guess I'm not a very good plant trainer!

Edited to add: I found a thread where some more experienced lotus/lily keepers discussed this

Edited by Rube_Goldfish
Added link to previous thread
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